Thursday, January 28, 2010

In the beginning...

Our first stop was at Emerald Queen Casino which was an adventure getting to. Because of the 2 hour border wait at Aldergrove, (Pac Hwy & Blaine were slightly worse), we didn't get there until after dark - -when road signs are impossible to see. We missed a street & when we did turn it was into a residential dead end road. As we were unhooking one of the residents came out to say he could go up to the street & stop traffic if we had to back out the whole block. I did manage to get turned around. He gave us directions to get to the casino, we drove there separately, it was about 3 minutes drive away. Met up with Paul & Yvonne & spent the night there. In the dark eve, I discovered that the tail lights & turn signals were not working on the Focus. So next day we headed for the RV Service place in Albany Oregon that fixed the furnace last year. They did fix them, they said they were wired wrong at the trailer hitch place, but by then it was after dark again so we stayed there for the night in their back lot. Next stop was 7 Feathers, where I did email you. Next day was at an RV park in Weed CA. Then down to an RV park near Lodi CA where the next discovery was that I had no power to anything on the Focus, couldn't jump it -(with RV battery connected with jumper cables it would not even light the dash lights let alone turn over). So I got Sheila to drive the RV with the Focus hooked up & put it into gear--nothing. Wierd! Well, I am my own tow truck so we left next morning for another RV park east of Bakersfield near Mohave CA. At this point, we told Paul & Yvonne who were travelling in convoy with us to go on ahead to Palm Springs where they were staying with Paul's brother for a few days. Next day we towed the car to a Ford dealer in Mohave but it was now Jan 4, a Monday after a long weekend & they were swamped so they suggested a larger dealer in Lancaster CA. Away we go with our trusty tow truck & dead car. They too were busy but said they'd try to look at it today & took our phone number to call if they found anything. We couldn't stay on their lot but they suggested a ball park close by. We checked it out & it would do fine, it was also across the road from a movie complex so was ideal, we could run gen if needed. About 5:30, (after dark of course), they did phone to say that it was the battery, it had completely collapsed so now power could not even get through it. It was replaced, (all warranty of course). We went to see "It's Complicated with Meryl Streep. It was well acted & funny. Next day we retrieved the Focus, I hooked it up by myself as Sheila was in the office for something. We headed onward and arrived at Indian Well RV Resort in Indio, (30 min. from Palm Springs) with out furthur incident - - almost. About a hour or so down the road I started to think, "did I take off the emergency brake & put the keys in the Focus to unlock the steering? I pulled over & sure enough brake on & no keys in ignition. Moral- always have someone double check. Usually Sheila & I work together, but this time we didn't. However the brake must have been barely on, as there was no burned brake smell, and the tires were still sitting straight so the steering lock never engaged. Wh-e-e-w!
On the route down we alternated supper at our place & Paul & Yvonnes after which we usually played bridge, found a way to play bridge in our RV that works not too bad.
Palm Springs weather was great, low to mid 70's F, (22-24C). We visited with our friends from Victoria, Bob & Lois Beaty and generally relaxed. There were lots of events that week at the resort, a Mexican party/entertainment & dance,a soup night dinner thing, a hamburger lunch, plus water volley ball & a side trip to Joshua Tree National Park one day. We went to see "Men who Stare at Goats" one night at a theatre for $2.50 each! Also at the RV resort Sheila ran into a fellow & his wife that Sheila had last seen at her Lord Byng reunion, he had been a '59 grad. Also there was a coffee & donut morning where several park residents get up a 5AM to go bake fresh donuts - for $2 all the coffee & donuts you want, different types too & iced as well. Plus, they had great entertainment for a hour.
Next stop was right here at Golden Village Palms. The weather started out great for almost a week getting nice sunny days. Paul & Yvonne were here as well as a couple from Enumclaw WA , Larry & Judy Shaffer, that we met here last year. We were in the pool playing water Volley ball every day and enjoying the many scheduled activities they have here. Every weeknight they have an organized game event so we end up recording TV to watch later at night, (games usually run till around 9:30 pm).
Then the storms hit! If you have seen the news it is probably it probably mentions the LA area being hard hit, it was! They were getting several inches of rain every day and mud slides in the hilly areas where last years fires had burned off the ground cover. Here in Hemet we were getting clear, warm mornings to play in the pool and then heavy, heavy rain in the afternoon & evening. The Volley Ball pool is heated to 84F, (29C) & the hot tubs are 103F, (39C), so even on a slightly cooler day it is great. However, yesterday & today it got cloudy, cool, & rainy in the morning so we did not go to play Volley Ball. We've seen 2 movies on seniors day for $4.50 each - "Up in the Air" and "Blind Side" both good & recommended. We went to my favorite place, "Steer n' Stein", for their 16 ounce, (454 gram), steak dinner, (incl. a baked potato with everything, plus a large side salad). The price has crept up a bit, it is now $14.99, that's probably about $16 CDN with exchange. Sheila has come down with a slight sinus infection/cold she thinks, not much energy & sniffles a lot, so she is going slower which isn't too bad with the rainy weather slowing up outdoor activities. We have played some bridge with Larry & Judy as well as Pegs & Jokers.
Even with the heavy rain, we are enjoying ourselves here. It is below ave temps but the days are usually above 12 C, so we aren't suffering too much.

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