Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Apr 3 Sunday - Into Roswell & the UFO Museum

Apr 3 Sun Day 76 – very windy and very hot, 32C (89.6 F) windy all the way to Roswell

As Sheila had some dollar store stuff to get & I needed gas & some RV stuff we took off separately & met at Wal-Mart,acpl kms down the hwy from the campground. I pulled out of Carlsbad RV Park in the RV @ 138111 @ 10:35. The day before while I was topping up my tires my CDN TIRE air compressor kept stopping and I had to wiggle & twist the power line to get it to start. I discovered that the end of its power line that goes into the 12 Volt receptacle on the dash had partly melted and was misshaped so it couldn’t make a connection properly. So into Wal-Mart & I got another compressor, a better one I hope, the other goes back to Canadian Tire when I return home. I filled my gas tank at the Wal-Mart gas station, this time with 88 octane plus gas; it is 10 cents a gallon more than the 86 octane regular gas. Sheila arrived & we hooked up and left Wal-Mart lot @ 138114 km @ 11:45. It was a very windy drive up, (weather report on TV said the winds were 60 to 66 mph), but due to the highway’s winding we never had to face it as a full head wind. We passed a fire in the dry road side grass that looked like it had recently started, no one there, no sound of sirens approching. We didn’t phone 911 because we had no idea exactly where we were and there were enough cars going both ways that someone must have called it in. Later we realized that we could have stopped & used the GPS to pinpoint where we were & called 911. We arrived at Trailer Village RV Park in Roswell @ 1:30 @ 138241. We had lunch and then went into town to the UFO museum. Lots of info both pro & con. From the articles & reports they had it seems there was something out there in the desert that crashed July 4, 1947. Was it an alien UFO or some top secret military thing? It definitely was not a weather balloon as the military cover story said, but what? Alien or Terrestrial? After that we went out for supper at the UFO themed McDonalds, then home for the evening. Sheila did laundry while I did the ‘usual’— journal, expenses etc. The wind is blowing very hard and it is still hot well into the evening. We periodically used the A/C up to 10PM.

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