Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Apr 7 - at Val Vista in Mesa

April 7 dawns bright & sunny. Forecast high today is 78F(25.5C). The wind seems gusty & periodically strong enough that I am not going to put up the awning.
Sheila is up & off to the 8AM pool exercises whereas I pursue more leisurely activities like having my morning coffee. However at 9:05 I find that I too am in the pool after the exercises finish and Sheila insists on running me through some of them for 1/2 an hr. This climate is ruining my morning sleep-in routine!
After a leisurely lunch & some housework, we head off to water volleyball, (2-4 pm) to see how they play here.
OK, local rules are: you can hit ball twice only and a total of 3 hits on one side of the net. If there are 4 hits the ball goes to the other side. You can hit the ball directly back as well--no passing is required. The ball is a large beach ball & very light. The pool is indoors, and small so they play 3 across and there's only room to go 3 rows back so if there are more than 9 a side, players have to rotate in. WE had a max of 8 on one side but mostly there were just 6.

After Volleyball there was a dance from 4-6 PM in the ballroom with a western group called "Fall River." Cost was $4 each, which included all the popcorn you could eat--good popcorn too.
Back to the RV afterwards. Sheila is wiped out & laying on the bed.
I have put 3 pictures on of our two RV Park sites. The one with lots of grass is in the Palm Springs area, the other is the one in Mesa which, while a really nice place with lots of activities, only has crushed rock around the sites.

There are lots of activities planned over the next few days, a report will follow eventually.

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