Friday, April 9, 2010

At Val Vista Thurs & Fri Apr 8 & 9

At Val Vista in nice 85F (30C), or more, weather, we actually are running the A/C a few times and don't need the furnace in the morning at all.

Thursday started with coffee & donuts hosted by the park in the main ballroom. It was at 8:30 but for free coffee & donuts I made the supreme sacrifice & got up early.
Sheila went to get her nails done & had to wait to go in the water so I went to Volleyball at 2, Sheila finally arrived about 3 & did a video of the game then joined in. She met Jim & Ann Polluck who had just arrived, (Dogwood Roamers RV Club), so we met them in the court yard after the game to listen to Curtis Knox, have lunch & visit with them. In the eve it was TV, planning next day, & uploading blog videos,- very slow & tedious.

We picked up Jim & Ann & drove 5 mins to Towerpoint RV Resort, (Owned by Cal-Am company as is Val Vista). We were invited by our Val Vista activities director to go for their Pizza lunch & entertainment. We picked up a rate sheet for them as we like this area & there is a lot to do in Mesa besides the RV resort activities. We came back to Val Vista in time for the water Volleyball game. After that we sat out by the outdoor pool in the sun & had a $3.50 & a $2.50 Pina Colada. Then we got ready to go to the Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre about 10 mins drive away. They were putting on "George M", the story of George M Cohan. Great buffet & great show. Finally home to plan tomorrow, we may or may not go to the big Mesa Swap Meet that runs Fri-Sun. We've been before, great bargains plus they put on good entertainment by the food concession. More in the next posting.

1 comment:

  1. For some reason, I often get hungry after reading your posts. All those great meal deals! =D
