Monday, April 12, 2010

This posting may be the last as I doubt we'll get WiFi on route, but
you never know.

Saturday Apr 10 onwards
More 85F,(30C), degree plus weather forecast for the next few days
Sat morning started with the 8:30 coffee & donuts gathering at one of
the rec halls, $1.00 donation for the donuts. We met Jim & Ann there
and had a pleasant start to the day. The MC makes a gathering out of
it with announcements, calling for birthdays, anniversaries etc. then
singing Happy Birthday, they tell jokes, stories, updates on people
sick etc.
After that Sheila went out to shop locally & I went over to the pool
for a swim, a hot tub & a sit in the sun. Sheila came back, we had
lunch then went out together as I had some stuff to try to find.
Returned and Sheila went for her swim while I caught up on expenses
entries into Excel.
Relaxing time before heading over to the Steak Fry in the court yard at
5 to meet Jim & Ann & listen to music by Fall River, the western group from the dance last Thurs. We got a table on the patio, got our steaks, (cooked over mesquite
charcoal briquets), it came with baked potato, all the butter & sour
cream you wanted plus a salad, 3 choices of dressing and macadamia nut
cookies & choc chip cookies for dessert-- a great deal! Plus Jim & Ann couldn't eat all their steak so I got several more ounces, nummy. Fall River played till 7 PM and we had a great time, even danced a bit.

Sheila went out to the shop in the morn then we had lunch & off to the
Mesa Arts Centre for a matinee play called "Forbidden Broadway". It was
a comedy parody on Broadway shows & personalities, 4 actors and a great
piano player. They did some great take offs and satire. Back for supper &
then I went over to the hot tub across the road from our site as I had
a slight back ache. It was 8:30, nice & warm out. Sheila was working
on postcards, emails etc.

On route back from the play yesterday I saw a Camping World store only
4 kms from our park. Today I went over there to see if I could find a
replacement screw-on hold down for the bike rack. They didn't have one
but found a nut & washer that would work which they gave me. I came
back & put the bikes up on their rack & the nut worked perfectly on the
stud. I also checked all tires & did some other prep work before going
over to the ballroom for the Wii bowling. I have never seen a Wii set
up or tried it so seemed a good opportunity. Out of 4 players I came
second & Sheila came third. It is kind of fun but don't think I would
buy one. Then over to the patio for lunch, I had their terrific taco
salad & Sheila had a cactus burger, (beef, but it came with real cactus
strips). They were like sauteed green pepper but with a sweeter, nicer taste.
Then we played our last Water Volleyball game till 4. Next it
is a short hot tub dip then meeting Jim & Ann to go to The Organ Stop
Pizza. A really neat place, they have the world's largest Wurlitzer pipe organ and the
organist plays requests plus his own selections. I took a couple of
videos of that as well but like the steak fry event ones I can't seem
to get all of them to load so I can post them. The shorter ones
sometimes will load & I can post them but the longer ones, (over 20
to 30 seconds), will not, that, plus the WiFi keeps going on & off so there
may be some videos & pictures after this, or not! We left Organ Stop Pizza
after an enjoyable hour or so so that Sheila & Ann could watch Dancing
with the Stars. Jim & I had coffee in their unit until the girls were
finished. Finally it is late Mon eve, we leave tomorrow so this will
be the "Last Post". I may be able to put the videos on when I'm home &
will let everyone know if I can do it.

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