Sunday, March 14, 2010

Continuing with the Horse Racing eve. It was lots of fun, they gave us $130,000.00 "play" money to bet & buy a horse if we wanted. If you were a horse owner & he won, placed, or showed you won extra over what you may have bet, (10,000 for a win). You could bet up to 3 horses per race. At the end of the race they threw a die with numbers & if a winning horse number came up he was disqualified. I lost 80,000 in winnings when this happened to my horses. At the end of the evening the 3 top earners each won a bottle of wine. The top 3 were all over a million with over 2 mil for the grand winner, all with 130,000 starting money. They had profiles of the horses available so you could see how they did etc.
The weather is finally getting into the HOT category. Lots of people comeing out for water volley ball.

On Friday after a great VB session we made arrangements to go down to Temecula with Gerry & Sheila for the car show in Old Town Temecula. We left around 5, got there to find they had the main street in Old Town closed off for cruising. The street for several blocks had hot rods, antique, modified, & classic cars parked along the side and they also had them cruising up & down the road pretty much running bumper to bumper there were so many. We wandered up & down for almost 2 hours enjoying the sights & sounds of the cars. I've never seen so many neat old cars in one place before. I will try to add one or two pictures. I didn't take many as it was dark by 5:30 so was not good for taking pictures. After we went to a place called Souplantation which is a buffet type place. It has a long salad bar with many many choices then they have 5 or 6 different types of soup,the new england clam chowder was certainly one of the best I've ever had if not the best, 2 or 3 pastas,the mushroom Alfredo was my favorite, several types of breads, including 2 delicious Focasia types, and desert - a frozen yogurt dispenser, toppings, jello which really had a good flavour and an apple dish. As usual we left the restaurant stuffed. Souplantation is located on Ynez street (ave?) in a large mall across the road from the large mall that has Trader Joe's.

On Sat after a lovely warm to hot start to the day & a great VB game the wind started to gust a bit early PM & it got quite cooler. I spent the afternoon on the computer trying to find a motel/hotel in Fort Lauderdale for the 2 nights after we get off the boat. Because we have to fly out at 6AM I want to find one with a shuttle to the airport and also that is not to pricey. Once I find one I'll book it from here. In the eve we went to the dance with Rainbow Cottage. The dances go from 7 to 10so we have time after to catch up on emails, joournal writing & sometime a TV show we have recorded from earlier. It is late Sat night & we still haven't found time to watch Numbers from Fri night.

Sun morning and it is sunny & warm early, went over to the VB pool to discover it was full of people at only 9:55. Then we discovered that it was now daylight saveing time, we were an hour late! So we played a little 4 on 4 after the official noon finish until 12:30. Back to the RV for lunch. At the dance last night Sheila got the name of a Chinese restaurant near by that was highly recomended so I guess we are going out for supper tonight

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