Tuesday, March 23, 2010

to Florida Mar 23

On route to Florida - Mar 23 - Blogging to you from 34,000

feet. We are about 2 hours out of Phoenix headed east. Our

day started OK, we got away from GVP, got the RV stored OK,

& off down the hwy to the airport. Arrived, parked, got

shuttle to US Airways terminal, we were next at the check in

line & to the gate with about an hour to flight time. They

announced that due to a full aircraft they would do courtesy

checked baggage to help eliminate carry-ons so we did our

2nd checked bag, (1st one was $25.00), and started to board

at 12:10 for our 12:40 departure. Then the pilot came on to

say they had discovered a very small cut or nick in one of

the tires & needed to have it checked out by a maintenance

mechanic. Well after numerous announcements that all would

be ready in "minutes" we finally pulled out of the gate at

1:35 & took off @ 1:45. Our connection in Phoenix is supposed

to take off at 3:00. We land at 2:40 but there is no one to

man the exit ramp gate to move it to the plane, off finally

at 3:00 at gate 13, walked 15 feet to gate 14 to the line

already boarding our flight to Fort Lauderdale. It pulled

away from the gate at 3:15 and we were down the runway &

wheels up by 3:30. We didn't get to obtain any food at the

airport as was the plan so we had to buy on board. We were

back in row 25 and they started serving from the front &

were out of Sheila & my selections by the time they got

here. Second choice had to do. They do provide free pop &

coffee still. Note to Adeline, your laptop works fine at

34,000 feet. We arrived Fort Lauderdale with a bang,

literally, it was a hard landing, just a big bang though, no

problems. Touchdown at 7:05 our time 10:05 local time. Took

a cab to the "bargain" hotel we were offered at a low rate

if we listen to their presentation, the special rate they

offered was $49.00 total for two nights. They didn't

mention the $15.00 a night room tax and the fact that it was

a $45.00 cab ride from the airport. The regular rate on this

Remada Inn is $125.00 a night, incl tax, so it is about half

price, (we pay out $124.00). The Red Carpet Inn we booked

for the 2 nights for our return trip is $146.00 for the 2

nights total and is about a $5.00 cab fare from the airport,

and we don't have to waste time listening to some time share

sales pitch. At least this Remada has WiFi so I am posting

this tonight. More to follow sooner or later.

1 comment:

  1. You guys were brave to go on a boat for a "3 hour tour" (wasn't that what happened on Gilligan's Island?). =D
