Tuesday, March 16, 2010

March 14-16

Mar 14 - 16
The Chinese restaurant is called Mr You's. For future reference it is up Sanderson at Esplanade in the big Mall on the right. It is a counter service place and they use those big square take out boxes for the food. The price for rice, chow mein & 1 entree was $4.69, 2 entree's $5.69 & 3 emtree's $6.69. The rice and chow mein portions were huge, then they piled the entree(s) on top. Sheila picked a teriaki chicken as 1 of her entree's & they pulled out this full breast of chicken then cut it up with a cleaver. It was all they could do to close the take out box, what a deal!! Need less to say we brought some home, Sheila had probably 1/2 left over. Sunday eve instead of Bridge we went to hear Erma, (one of the VB players), singing in the ballroom, she does gospel stuff & Sheila really wanted to hear her.

Monday was our usual VB, lunch, music routine and over for the crib tournament in the eve. I got the booby prize, second week in a row, so I got my $1.00 back. The weather is finally what it should be, hot & sunny, (as opposed to warmish & sunny). The local full timers & long term residents have been saying this has been the maybe the worst winter ever for cool temps & rain.

Tuesday we set out on our bicycles for our last bike to breakfast ride. We went to 7 Hills Golf club. Their breakfast special of 2 eggs, 2 sausage patties, (or bacon), 2 pancakes was $3.49. Sheila had the biscuits & gravy, (it tastes better than it sounds), for $2.99. With the restaurant prices down here it's a wonder we ever eat in our RV at all, but then food prices are equally cheap. We were late getting back for VB so a few people wanted to play after the noon finish time so a few of us played to 1:00. Then had lunch at the Cabana & listened to Angela singing. The performers start at 11AM so we listen to them as we are playing VB in the pool, it's great playing to music.
After ploughing through Expedia on the weekend & yesterday I had finally found a motel with 24 hr shuttle to FLL for our return trip. Rather than book on-line Sheila wanted to phone to double check the shuttle thing. Well, first thing the booking guy says is ignore anything on the internet re 24 hr shuttle, it doesn't start till 5AM, we fly out at 6AM. So after a while they get another place that is reasonable, (nothing has a shuttle at 4AM other than maybe the $100 plus a night places), so she settles for something called the Red Carpet Inn, 4 miles from the airport at around $60 a night more or less not including hotel etc. taxes of around $15 or more a night.
After all that it is now late afternoon, it is 80F, (27C), in the RV so we have the fan on & windows open & Sheila went out to get some pre-prepared ready to eat salads at WinCo. We have a date with Gerry & Sheila to play the "Sticks" game tonight. Gerry emailed me the directions so we can set it up when we return. The only equipment is several decks of cards and about 50 sticks which are tongue depressors that I will have to put writing on for what you have to make from your hand of cards. I've played it but Sheila hasn't, my Sheila that is.

Wed plan is to go down to a Best Buy in Murrietta, (20 miles), as Sheila wants to get another digital camera like Michael & Adeline have that has a big display and is easier to use and has a longer lasting battery. More on that next post.

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