Saturday, January 29, 2011

Jan 29 Sat Day 12 - exploring the USS Midway aircraft carrier

Jan29 Sat Day 12 – cooler but sunny & nice still – at Santa Fe RV Park
After morning coffee etc, Paul, Sheila & I head into San Diego to visit the USS Midway Museum. We pay for 4 hours parking right on the dock by the ship & go on board. They have audio guides that you wear, - ear phones & you push the buttons for the number on the exhibit & the narration comes on. We started on the hanger deck, then down to the brig, engine room, galley, ward rooms, and many more crew & officer areas & cabins. We had lunch in the Fantail Café sitting right at the very stern. Then up to the main deck with its aircraft and bridge tower. There was a guided bridge tour plus exploring the deck. There were several areas we still hadn’t got to but after 4 hours on board Paul & I decided to leave as our parking time is up. We could have spent another hour or more still exploring other areas, ther is lots to see. The next problem was that we hadn’t seen Sheila in quite a while. Well, she knows the time & will meet us back at the car so off we go. An hour later Sheila appears, she didn’t notice the time and was busy exploring. She did a simulator ride of a fighter mission in the Desert Storm battle. She said it was great but my back might not have liked some of the manouvers. We make it back to the RV Park just before dark. We have a light supper and then Paul and Yvonne came over for bridge. We stopped around 9:30 and went over to the hot tub for a quick soak to end the evening.

about 50 feet back from the edge of the bow looking aft

One of the "horns" that extend forward from the bow. Purpose is stop the old style catapult wires from bouncing up to hit the aircraft.

The helm, this wheel steers the USS Midway

from the bridge forward from the bridge wing

view from the bridge area aft with Coronado Bridge in the back ground

The air boss in his chair overseeing operations

air boss area looking out window forward

window for the air boss who's in charge of all aircraft

Jan 28, Day 11 - at Santa Fe RV Park, San Diego

Jan 28 Fri Day 11 weather holding nice, its move out day to another RV Park.
We hook up & are out of Mission Bay RV at 11:30 at 136329. Of two routes to get to Santa Fe Road one is an easy right turn then left turn route, the other involves what looks like awkward turns. The “easy” one turned out to have a barrier to turning left so we had to go past, get turned around by going around the block, all the while hopeing it wasn't a dead end, come back down & turn onto Santa Fe. We seem to be getting a message – get a GPS! So we arrive at Santa Fe RV Park at 11:50 at 136336. Paul & Yvonne arrive about 1\2 hr behind us as they stopped for groceries. It is a much nicer park than Mission Bay, it has a heated swimming pool & a hot tub, and the buildings are better kept up. They have a nice big rec room with billiard table, ping pong table & two nice card tables. There is also a well equipped exercise room. Lots of trees for shade, the only drawback is that is close to the “I”5 freeway. After we get set up we all head for the pool & hot tub. Then we have coffee with chips & antipasto etc at out rig followed by a cpl hours of bridge in the rec room. We combine for a group dinner in Paul & Yvonne’s rig after which we head over to the rec room for more bridge. We played until 10PM when they closed up then back home to do the supper dishes, journal etc.

Bren in the sun by the pools

Sheila in the Hot Tub, Santa Fe RV park

Sheila and Paul swimming in the pool at Santa Fe RV Park- heated to 78F(25C)

our site at Santa Fe RV Park

Sheila and coloured Mexica pottery at Old Town San Diego

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Thurs Jan 27 Day 10

Jan 27 Thurs Day 10 - sunny forecast mid 70’s - - Mission Bay RV Resort
Today’s plan is to go to Old Town San Diego then visit the USS Midway aircraft carrier - the one from WW II – which is now a museum & docked near the convention centre right in down town. Well, we made Old Town and even had lunch there at Fiesta De Reyea on the out door terrace. We left the car in Old Town parking lot & caught the trolley to town ½ a block away. It is $1.25 for a seniors one way fare to anywhere on any line, (they have a blue line route, on orange line route & a red line route). The red line goes all the way to Tijuana. We got off near the waterfront and walked 5-10 minutes to get to the USS Midway. We got there at 4 and they close up at 5 so I asked & they said 2 to 3 hours time needed to see the ship properly, so it will have to wait for another day. We walked down the seawall path to the Seaport Village area before finding our way to a trolley and back to the car & home by 6:15 in the dark again.. Spent the evening watching TV, Sheila wrote a letter to Vicki, (no computer for email etc.), & I caught up on journal & blogging.

Sheila and Yvonne kayaking in Mission Bay, San Diego

Wed Jan 26, Day 9

Jan26 Wed Day 9 - sunny, Forecast high mid 70’s (23-25C) - - Mission Bay RV Resort
I discovered that Baileys, (of Baileys Irish Crème), makes a coffee creamer and in crème brulee flavour. I will have to see if it’s available up north on the return trip. Sheila rented two kayaks so Yvonne could take her out for how to kayak tips. They went out around Mission Bay for an hour. Sheila did fine and is ready to go again. We then headed out to lunch with Paul & Yvonne at ”Great Plaza Buffet” and had a great lunch. Then off up to the La Jolla coast area north San Diego. Very scenic with surf rolling in onto the rocks, seals on the beach, & skim board surfers to watch along the shoreline. It was after dark before we got home, (which was about 6PM). We also stopped to watch the sun set into the ocean. Stopped for gas for the Focus, $3.25 USG. Back at the RV I felt really tired so took a nap. Sheila is watching “Live to Dance” on the new TV while I do journal & download pictures. I today’s blog will have a video of Sheila & Yvonne in kayaks plus a video, (on max zoom so it doesn’t show that well), of a skim boarder & a cpl shots take on a drive to La Jolla area.

Skim Boarding beach, also a bit of Sheila,Paul & Yvonne

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 8, At Mission Bay Rv Resort

Jan 25 Tues Day 8 clear & sunny, forecast high 23C74F - - At Mission Bay RV Resort
I don’t think it hit the forecast high, I had a thermometer sitting outside in the shade of the awning & it may have hit 70F21C. Sheila went off shopping & I stayed at the RV doing assorted jobs; - check all tires, lubricate the tow bar, tighten up some cupboard catches, install new step mats – this didn’t get done as it turned out the mats were too small to wrap around the step enough. I also installed the TV onto its wall mount swing out bracket. It seems to work OK except that the remote won’t change channels with the up/down button, you have to push the number buttons to change channels. Yvonne went in the Bay for a swim & said it was cold. Sheila came back from shopping eventually and we started to prepare to go to the Pre-Superbowl appetizer pot luck & movie, the movie is “The Game Plan” with Dwayne Johnson “The Rock”. I’ve seen him before in another movie & he was good in the role he played. When Sheila was out she found a great buffet place we will have to try, American, Chinese, Japanese cuisine, 158 items, drinks included, lunch is $8.29 less 10% for over 60, ($7.46 for us plus the CA state tax of 9.74% so it probably ends up around $8.25, a great deal). The movie at the pot luck turned out to be the same one we had seen but it was so good that we watched it again. There weren’t a lot of people at the pot luck but lots of goodies. We had a fun evening. Back to the RV by 8:30.

Monday, January 24, 2011

playing bridge in the RV

Day 7, LA to San Diego

Jan 24 Mon Day 7 Clear blue sky & sunny
Sheila up early & into Camping World to see about them looking at our drivers cab dome light that is loose. The service manager came out, fixed it in about 5 minutes, no charge. We bought some new electric step pads in blue. We then walked next door to Wal-Mart for supplies and McD breakfast. They have a breakfast burrito with packets of hot salsa sauce. Time to go, out C.W. 136098 @ 10:10 & onto ”I”5 at 10:15. On into downtown LA & through. It took over an hour on the hwy at 50-60 mph to get through LA. Short rest area stop, 12:10-12:25 and then off to San Diego. We left “I”5 at 1:05 & were in parked at our site at Mission Bay RV Resort by 1:45 @136329. Paul & Yvonne arrive about 30 mins later & are beside us. I am in shorts, sandals, short sleeve shirt sitting outside at the picnic table on the computer. The rest of today will be a rest & recuperate day, maybe some bridge tonight.

Distance travelled 231kms/144 miles, 2hrs35mins driving time, ave. 89kph/56mph

our site at Mission Bay, Paul's trailer beside us

Bren at picnic table doing journal etc, Sheila on the nearby beach

Day 6

Jan 23 Sun Day 6 Foggy & cool this morning
Out Merced River RV Park 11:00 @ 135682& down the hwy in light fog. Drove through Selma which claims to be the raisin capital of the world. Yesterday we drove past a lot of flooded fields which turned out to be Rice paddys, there was a rice packing warehouse as well. Then past groves of Olive trees and a couple olive stores. Pulled off hwy at 12:40 to Wal-Mart for groceries & RV supplies, we even bought lunch from the deli – a Chinese type meat dish & a side dish, $3.00. Out to hwy @ 2:05, Sheila driving at 2:30. Off hwy for gas @ 135948 @ 3:35 to a Flying J. Still getting gas at $3.19 a US gallon which is about 87 cents CDN a litre. Back on hwy 3:50 and on to Fort Tejon for the night. Paul & Yvonne are ahead of us & phone to say that the camping at the State Park is only for groups. We pull off anyway for a tea/coffee break 4:50 – 5:10 @ 136029. So now we head for our backup spot, Camping World on the outskirts of LA. We go over what must be the second highest pass on the ”I”5, Tejon Pass @ 4144 ft. We pull into Camping World at 6:05@ 136098. We make spaghetti with Prego meat sauce & Paul/Yvonne come over with some salad & dessert. After supper, a few hands of bridge, then a walk around the area on a nice mild evening before turning in.

Distance travelled 416kms/258 miles, 5hrs5mins driving time, ave 82kph/51mph

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Jan 22 Sat Day 5 clear & sunny, hot by afternoon
We left Win River Casino @ 10:25 @ 135243. We passed a nice looking RV Park, (Durango RV Park), near Red Bluff, (about exit 650). We pulled into a rest area for lunch 12:05 @ 135388 to 1:00. Sheila took overdriving. It is now hot enough to turn on the A/C for a while. At 135435 we turned off the hwy at Dunnigan to a Pilot fuel plaza, it took us from 1:35 to 2:05 waiting & fuelling. Only 2 rigs in front of us at the RV pumps but they took forever. Plus you have to pay inside, so you have to go in, give them your credit card, go back, fill, then return inside to pay & retrieve card. On down I 5 & stopped at a rest area, (2:35-2:45) just by Sacramento airport to confer with Paul & Yvonne, I want to got to a Wal-Mart for the night & they want a campground. We picked a campground & I said if it is $30.00 or less I will stay there too through Sacramento. Well, Yvonne phoned them & rate is $31.50 plus tax, so it’s Wal-Mart for us. Sheila pulled off on the shoulder to change drivers @ 4:05. Paul & Yvonne passed us while we were stopped. Just after we passed the campground turn off Yvonne phoned to say that they would give us the night for $30.00 tax included. OK, as we were only about 5 or so miles (10 km) past we turned around & went there. We pulled in @ 135682 @ 5:15, it has full service & free WiFi. We were actually out of water in our RV tank so it worked out well, (we have about 6 gallons in btls in the Focus so we were not totally stuck). We had a very nice supper together and then went up to the club house and met a friendly group of park residents, we played some bridge, and had some games of ping pong. They had a nice real wood fire going so it was quite nice. The park host lady said she put us both in the computer so that any time we return we get the flat $30 a night rate, a $5.00 discount. Now that we are in CA there is a 55mph speed limit for “all vehicles when towing”, so we cruise about 55 to 60 trying to stay under 60, most of today was on cruise control set at 58mph.

Distance travelled 439 kms /273miles, 5hrs20min driving time, ave 82kph/51mph
Jan 21 Fri Day 4 Light overcast, breaks in cloud, cool, cleared to sun & warm at Redding CA in the late afternoon

Sheila went for a morning hot tub & swim, I unhooked & stowed gear & we pulled out of 7 Feathers @ 11:15 @ 134882 heading to Siskiyou Pass. It is up & down countryside, we went up, over & down; Stage Road pass 1830 ft, Smith Hill pass 1793 ft, Sexton pass 1960 ft. Then a levelish run where we pulled off to a Pilot fuel depot @12:30, @ 134990, then back on hwy 12:40. Up the Siskiyou pass, the highest point on I 5 @ 4310 ft., over @ 1:20& down the other side to a lunch stop at a rest area 1:35 – 2:45. Past MT Shasta we went over Black Butte summit around 3800 ft and down past Shasta Lake. It has filled up a lot since last year, I’d say dozens of feet more water but is still not full. Arrived the Redding CA Win River Casino 5:00 @ 135243. We are parked stretching over about 8 parking spots with the car still hooked up. Up to the Casino where we got $5.00 free play for getting a players card. I played video poker for quite a while & left with $7.50, Sheila played & left with $2.50 so we evened out & got to keep their free 5.00 each. Back to the RV and Paul/Yvonne came over & we played Bridge for a while.

Distance travelled – 361 kms/224 miles, 4hrs25 mins driving time, ave 82kph - 51mph

Friday, January 21, 2011

at 7 Feathers RV Resort

7 Feathers hot tub & pool

Day 3, Thurs Jan 20

Jan 20 Thurs, Day 3 overcast, cool, clearing late in the day to sun
I got a bright idea and checked the by-pass valve on the water heater & it was open, as soon as I closed it we had full hot water from the electric heater, just the gas part to solve now. We also developed a mystery, the dome lights in the RV cab will not turn off. Push the button; they go off when the button is in and back on when it is released. I pulled the unit out of the ceiling & removed the bulbs; of course it now will not go back in its ceiling hole snugly, hmmm. I strike again, fix something break something else.

One thing I forgot to mention about yesterday was driving down I 5 and seeing this flat topped snow covered mountain in the distance. We then realized it was Mt St Helens with no cloud cover looking majestic. When you see it for real & can see how big the flat part that was the blown off top is, you realize how big the eruption was. It was quite a sight.

So we get ready to pull out. I unhook all the facilities and check the car to find that with all the nonsense last night with having to turn everything around I left the key in the car with it turned on, (to unlock the steering), and now the battery is dead. Well. off we go pulling out at 9:40 @ 135514, stopped at Safeway a block up the road & out again 10:05. Now the search for the Camping World store to get heater fixed. We exit at Exit # 286, at 10:55, as per map instructions but can’t find it, after a cpl miles or so I stop at a mall with a Starbucks, set up computer on WiFi & looked up Camping World’s phone number & called them. My map was wrong, they said go back to I 5 & take exit 283, which I did & found it, arriving 11:20. They sent someone out and I told him that the little signal light would not come on when I switched it onand the was no sound of the gas igniting & running, no lights & dead silence. He then told me that the new heaters don’t have that feature, the light only comes on if it stops working after it lights. So he was outside, I pushed the switch inside & guess what - - the gas lit, it was fine all the time. No roar anymore as the gas fires up, it runs silent. So back to I 5 & south at 11:35 & into Wal-Mart10 miles down the road. We looked at TV’s & bought a 22 inch one, 1080 DPI, it’s a Vizio LCD/LED etc etc. Had a McDonalds Angus burger with Swiss cheese & mushrooms for lunch ($4.09). We left the car running for 20 mins, (roll started it by towing with RV – good ol’ standard shift). Out Wal-Mart 1:10 & down to Albany exit 233 for the Fred Myer gas stop, in at 2:05, gas @ 134667, & back on hwy 2:20. Trying to make 7 Feather Casino RV park with it’s indoor hot tub, heated swimming pool, & free WiFi for the night so I pushed it a bit, passing semi trailer trucks, motor homes, cars, running around 73mph, (117 kph). Made exit # 99 for the RV park at 4:20 @ 134882. In for a swim & hot tub session, (the hot tub is about 15 feet square). Me, Sheila, Paul & Yvonne were the only ones there. Then we called the free shuttle to take us all down the hill & across the hwy to the casino for supper, they have a rib eye steak with baked potatoes, veggies, salad with heaps of butter & sour cream and salad dressing for $8.95. Sheila stayed to gamble & I came home to do journal, trip planning, expenses etc. Maybe tomorrow we will tow the car for a while with the motor running to charge battery so we can start it if needed, sure glad it is a standard shift.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 2

Jan 19 Day 2 cold but sunny
We got up early to have the RV ready for their shop to install the new water heater by 0800. Then we went out with Paul & Yvonne to breakfast at the recommended Burlington Café, (going south turn left on Fairhaven), excellent clam chowder, great menu. Then back to Camping World to wait for both our rigs to be ready, (Paul had a problem with one of the taps not working). Finally all is fixed, installed and we are ready to pull out at 12:40. By joining the Camping World Presidents Club we were able to save about $233.00 at a cost of the joining fee of $19.00 which is good for discounts for a year. The total cost of repairing & replacing was into the 4 figures by a cpl hundred. Good thing exchange is so low. So, out 12:40 and down to Fred Meyer for gas, in at 12:45. Then I can’t find my Fred Myer gas card (good for 3 cents off a gallon), so a delay while I get another one & fill up, out @ 1:05 full tank @ 134155. We pulled into Emerald Queen Casino about 3, phoned Paul/Yvonne on their US cell with our US cell & found they had missed the exit & were 30 miles down the road. So we carried on, getting back on the freeway and arrived at 99 RV Park, a Passport America park, $12 a night full service and free WiFi ar 5:45 @ 134514 kms. Very dark in the campground and I ended up going into a pull through site the wrong way and hooked up then was told by camper host that I had to turn around, not thrilled but I did. Cooked supper and then discovered that we can’t seem to get any hot water out of the heater so it’s off to the Camping World down the road (1/2 hr and just off the hwy a block or two), to check it out. After journal it will be Bridge time with Paul & Yvonne. We played a cpl hours or so and Sheila & I got the slow rubber.

2011 snowbird trip

Jan 18 Day 1 – Drizzle mostly all day, cleared & sun late PM
Away from our Dewdney Trunk Road parking spot at 10:45 @ 134042. We arrived at the Pac Hwy border line up 11:35 @ 134080. After some questions none of which involved the books I was taking down to deliver to FedEx for Michael we left at 12:00. We arrived at Camping World, Burlington at 1:00. We wanted them to check the water heater as the gas would come on, ignite & then go out. Plus the last few days the electric steps were jamming going up & down. Then, just last night, the furnace was doing the same thing, lighting up, running a minute or so & shutting down. After checking out everything the result was: Water Heater – kaput, control board gone & a crack in the heating pipe; Furnace – control board gone, electric steps – just need some grease &/or oil. After a lot of trying to find the correct parts they have the circuit board for the furnace & can install it so we can have heat tonight, yay! However the water heater which they finally discovered they had one is a long job involving working from inside & out so they can’t complete it today. However they can start it at 8 AM tomorrow. In the midst of all this we have been texting Paul & Yvonne to let them know what’s happening but no response. Also while they were investigating we went out to deliver Michael’s books to FedEx then for lunch at a nice little café at the Outlet Mall called The Curious Chef. Back to Camping World, no Paul & Yvonne yet. Off again to Starbuck for coffee & for the free WiFi. Back again to Camping World & set up with them to fix the furnace then they would deliver the RV to one of their camping spots, they even plugged it in so it was cosy warm when we eventually returned. All we do in the morning is go into the office and they will come over & pick it up & take it to the shop and install the water heater. So we went out to Target to look for a phone. Found a “TracFone” that seemed OK, asked the girl about set up & bought it. She then asked if we would like her to activate it for us. She spent quite a bit of time on her phone trying to get it set up & finally succeeded. Next we went to Safeway for groceries, fruits & veggies. Finally back at the RV and Paul & Yvonne show up at our door, they had been here quite a while and we kept missing them with our in & outs. It is now about 8PM but feels like midnight so we chatted for a bit and then did the bookkeeping/journal stuff and off to bed so we can arise early at 7:15 or so to have RV ready for their shop to start work.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

2011 southbound

Here it is Jan 15 and we are a cpl days away from heading south again. The blog may get a bit disjointed as I put every day in a journal on word but can only past to the blog when I have WiFi. The pic is from 2010 at GVP in Hemet CA where we hope to arrive in early Feb.