Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 8, At Mission Bay Rv Resort

Jan 25 Tues Day 8 clear & sunny, forecast high 23C74F - - At Mission Bay RV Resort
I don’t think it hit the forecast high, I had a thermometer sitting outside in the shade of the awning & it may have hit 70F21C. Sheila went off shopping & I stayed at the RV doing assorted jobs; - check all tires, lubricate the tow bar, tighten up some cupboard catches, install new step mats – this didn’t get done as it turned out the mats were too small to wrap around the step enough. I also installed the TV onto its wall mount swing out bracket. It seems to work OK except that the remote won’t change channels with the up/down button, you have to push the number buttons to change channels. Yvonne went in the Bay for a swim & said it was cold. Sheila came back from shopping eventually and we started to prepare to go to the Pre-Superbowl appetizer pot luck & movie, the movie is “The Game Plan” with Dwayne Johnson “The Rock”. I’ve seen him before in another movie & he was good in the role he played. When Sheila was out she found a great buffet place we will have to try, American, Chinese, Japanese cuisine, 158 items, drinks included, lunch is $8.29 less 10% for over 60, ($7.46 for us plus the CA state tax of 9.74% so it probably ends up around $8.25, a great deal). The movie at the pot luck turned out to be the same one we had seen but it was so good that we watched it again. There weren’t a lot of people at the pot luck but lots of goodies. We had a fun evening. Back to the RV by 8:30.

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