Saturday, January 29, 2011

Jan 29 Sat Day 12 - exploring the USS Midway aircraft carrier

Jan29 Sat Day 12 – cooler but sunny & nice still – at Santa Fe RV Park
After morning coffee etc, Paul, Sheila & I head into San Diego to visit the USS Midway Museum. We pay for 4 hours parking right on the dock by the ship & go on board. They have audio guides that you wear, - ear phones & you push the buttons for the number on the exhibit & the narration comes on. We started on the hanger deck, then down to the brig, engine room, galley, ward rooms, and many more crew & officer areas & cabins. We had lunch in the Fantail Café sitting right at the very stern. Then up to the main deck with its aircraft and bridge tower. There was a guided bridge tour plus exploring the deck. There were several areas we still hadn’t got to but after 4 hours on board Paul & I decided to leave as our parking time is up. We could have spent another hour or more still exploring other areas, ther is lots to see. The next problem was that we hadn’t seen Sheila in quite a while. Well, she knows the time & will meet us back at the car so off we go. An hour later Sheila appears, she didn’t notice the time and was busy exploring. She did a simulator ride of a fighter mission in the Desert Storm battle. She said it was great but my back might not have liked some of the manouvers. We make it back to the RV Park just before dark. We have a light supper and then Paul and Yvonne came over for bridge. We stopped around 9:30 and went over to the hot tub for a quick soak to end the evening.

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