Saturday, January 29, 2011

Jan 28, Day 11 - at Santa Fe RV Park, San Diego

Jan 28 Fri Day 11 weather holding nice, its move out day to another RV Park.
We hook up & are out of Mission Bay RV at 11:30 at 136329. Of two routes to get to Santa Fe Road one is an easy right turn then left turn route, the other involves what looks like awkward turns. The “easy” one turned out to have a barrier to turning left so we had to go past, get turned around by going around the block, all the while hopeing it wasn't a dead end, come back down & turn onto Santa Fe. We seem to be getting a message – get a GPS! So we arrive at Santa Fe RV Park at 11:50 at 136336. Paul & Yvonne arrive about 1\2 hr behind us as they stopped for groceries. It is a much nicer park than Mission Bay, it has a heated swimming pool & a hot tub, and the buildings are better kept up. They have a nice big rec room with billiard table, ping pong table & two nice card tables. There is also a well equipped exercise room. Lots of trees for shade, the only drawback is that is close to the “I”5 freeway. After we get set up we all head for the pool & hot tub. Then we have coffee with chips & antipasto etc at out rig followed by a cpl hours of bridge in the rec room. We combine for a group dinner in Paul & Yvonne’s rig after which we head over to the rec room for more bridge. We played until 10PM when they closed up then back home to do the supper dishes, journal etc.

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