Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wed Jan 26, Day 9

Jan26 Wed Day 9 - sunny, Forecast high mid 70’s (23-25C) - - Mission Bay RV Resort
I discovered that Baileys, (of Baileys Irish Crème), makes a coffee creamer and in crème brulee flavour. I will have to see if it’s available up north on the return trip. Sheila rented two kayaks so Yvonne could take her out for how to kayak tips. They went out around Mission Bay for an hour. Sheila did fine and is ready to go again. We then headed out to lunch with Paul & Yvonne at ”Great Plaza Buffet” and had a great lunch. Then off up to the La Jolla coast area north San Diego. Very scenic with surf rolling in onto the rocks, seals on the beach, & skim board surfers to watch along the shoreline. It was after dark before we got home, (which was about 6PM). We also stopped to watch the sun set into the ocean. Stopped for gas for the Focus, $3.25 USG. Back at the RV I felt really tired so took a nap. Sheila is watching “Live to Dance” on the new TV while I do journal & download pictures. I today’s blog will have a video of Sheila & Yvonne in kayaks plus a video, (on max zoom so it doesn’t show that well), of a skim boarder & a cpl shots take on a drive to La Jolla area.

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