Monday, September 19, 2011

Fri Sep 16 off to Devils Tower WY & Deadwood City SD

Fri Sep 16 Day 18 Nice & sunny temps in the low to mid 70’s
After checking out what there was in the Sundance area we decided to stay another night here, the Passport America is good for up to 3 days here. We started out the day going to the museum in town which had lots of interesting stuff in it. Sheila talked to the staff and got lots of info on local characters & history. Then we headed off to Devils Tower about a half hour drive away. It is a unique geographical oddity, a pinnacle rising up 1200 feet and a 1000 foot diameter. It is in flattish country side so stands out for miles. It is composed of volcanic magma but there are several opinions on how it got to the surface & straight up. Most theories do involve it forming in it present shape deep underground and then either forced up or having erosion of the covering material expose it. Whatever, it is impressive. In the pictures there is a find Waldo game - - find the rock climbers on its face. After Devils Tower we headed for Deadwood City. It is about an hours drive only. They only list a population of around 1500 but there are a lot of people in town in all the casinos, bars, restaurants, hotels. We went into one for their cheap soup & salad bar buffet lunch, ($3.99). Then we wandered about town a bit. I got on a trolley bus, a gas bus actually, for a ride around town for $1 while Sheila went to the local museum. We met up after and took a couple pictures of the site of the bar where Wild Bill Hickok was shot. We drove up to boot hill where Wild Bill & Calamity Jane are buried. After a busy day we drove home arriving back around 8PM.

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