Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sun Sep 11 was a stay in town day so no pictures today

Sun Sep 11 Day 14
Today we are around West Yellowstone town doing in town stuff. The Lewis & Clark expedition IMAX movie, Yellowstone museum & historical centre, assorted shopping, hopefully catching up on our journal & blog etc etc. We went into town; shopped for some supplies for a dinner with Paul & Yvonne tonight then lunch at an outdoor BBQ place We had a pulled pork and a brisket sandwich so we could both try half. I have no strong preference, they’re both really good, and Sheila prefers pulled pork. Then to the Lewis & Clark expedition movie. It was a National Geographic production & really good, we wanted to get the DVD but they’re sold out. Next we went to the historical centre to watch a film on the 1984 fire that burnt over 45% of the park. It started to sprinkle when we left the Historical Centre, I headed home to unload groceries etc & Sheila stayed in town, (about 1.5 kms from the campground). It then started to rain hard intermittently, so I headed into town to try to find Sheila walking in the rain, (hard enough rain to have the wipers on full). She had gone into a store & borrowed their cell to phone me so I got her OK. Finally back home, supper & bridge at Paul & Yvonne’s and then back to our RV.

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