Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 19 Tues Jan 31 At Mission Bay RV

clear blue sky, mild, no wind

Last night before going over to Paul & Yvonne’s we set up to record a show on a VHS tape to see if the system worked, it does. We had a good game, they finally won the rubber after an evening of good defensive play on both sides, it was a struggle for anyone to make their contract, a fun evening. This morning it was bright & clear & warm, at 9 AM I was sitting outside in the sun with my coffee, I was wearing jeans & a LS shirt but with no wind it was great. Sheila, Yvonne & I drove down to Crystal Pier @ Pacific Beach to check out the area for Sheila & Yvonne to go Boogie Boarding tomorrow. We stopped at Vons, (Safeway), on the return trip, and then went down to sit on the beach here for the rest of the afternoon. Yvonne went kayaking on Mission Bay. Paul is out with his truck for some servicing. I went back to the RV and in the meantime Yvonne came ashore & Sheila went out in her kayak. Then a while later, Yvonne came to the RV asking for my help at the shore to get Sheila out of the kayak. It seems she didn’t have the arm strength to hoist herself vertically out of the kayak when her legs were pinned in a stretched-out position. So we beached her and with me & Paul on each side we extracted her out of the snug entry hatch with no damage to either Sheila or the kayak--a fun end to the afternoon! Tonight we did supper with Paul & Yvonne in their rig, (due to seating – their U-shaped dinette is like a normal table for four people, that’s also why we always play bridge there, you sit like a normal card table). I BBQ’ed the steaks, Sheila & Yvonne both made some dishes and we had a nice supper. Paul & Yvonne wanted to go to one of the Oscar-nominated movies, so we looked up local theatres on the internet, phoned one & found that “Descendents” with George Clooney was playing in town at the Hillcrest Cinema. So with GPS in hand away we went, down I 5 onto I 8, off at Hwy 163 & into the theatre area, on University Blvd. We would have never got there in time without the GPS because trying to navigate & find hwy exits in the dark is not efficient. When we got back, Sheila went with Paul & Yvonne for a walk around the bay while I did the journal & expenses.

Hmmm, this seems a bit snug, how do I do this?

Help Help, I'm stuck & I can't get out

"Free at last, Free at last, thank God we're free at last " with apologies to Martin Luther King

Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 18 Mon Jan 30 Rio Bend RV Park to Mission Bay RV Park, San Diego

Nice & sunny & warm all the wat to San Diego, cooling off by late afternoon.
Sheila is off to the water exercise class at 9AM here in Rio Bend RV Park while I do the putting way & unhooking stuff that I normally do. The weather here is still great, clear blue sky & warm sun. Talked to Paul on the phone last night & they will arrive in Mission Bay RV Park around noon, we should be in a while after that. Out Rio Bend @ 149221 km @ 10:30. On Hwy 8 we go up & down over a mountain range, Tecate summit @ 4140 feet, then Crestwood summit @ 4181, and another summit @ 4050 feet, at least I get to coast down the other side of them. We pull into Mission Bay RV Park @ 149395 @ 12:35, check in, head to our spot to see Paul & Yvonne backing into their spot next door to us, we were about 5 minutes behind them. It is a nice sunny warm afternoon but starts to cool off around 4. Sheila went for a walk with Paul & Yvonne just before supper after which we will get together in their rig for a bridge game.

At San Diego's Mission Bay RV Park alongside Paul & Yvonne

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day 17 Sun Jan 29 At Rio Bend, (final day)

Weather mid to upper 70’s, clear, no wind

Slept in a bit, and then went for a walk to check out the Golf clubhouse for lunch. It wasn’t fancy, just a park model with a porch overlooking a pond in the golf course but the menu looked interesting. Unfortunately, the kitchen was closed today so we had to go back to the RV for a quick lunch before we began the “Poker Run.”
Today is the Poker Run Chilli Feed. The idea is that you go to several locations and get a sealed envelope with a playing card in it. You collect 5 envelopes, then go to a place to turn them in. They are opened by the organizers & listed as to what you hand is. So, to start we go to the golf pro shop & get 2 envelopes, then to 4 RV sites around the park to pick up the other 4 envelopes. We turned them in at the Café. The chilli part comes later. To enter we paid $5.00 plus a can of chilli each. The picking up of the envelopes was from 1 to 2 PM, then drop off at the Café 2 to 3 PM. Then at 5 PM there was a chili feed in the campground Ramada. You got chilli, buns, bag of corn chips, toppings for the chilli of onions, shredded cheese & jalapenos, and there was cake for dessert. I had a bowl & a half of chilli & 2 pieces cake & I brought 1 piece of cake home. Now the results: Sheila’s hand was K Q J 10 8, Bren’s was 8 8 4 4 9, my 2 pair won me $16.00. Top hand was only 3 jacks. Now if Sheila had gotten my 9, and I got her 8, we would have taken 1st & 2nd prizes because she would have had a ‘straight’ & I’d have had a ‘full house’. To add mystery to the event, at the first stop I picked up 2 envelopes and handed Sheila one of them, she said she wanted to pick her own from then on. What if, on the first stop, I had picked out the envelopes with the 8 & 9 and handed her the 8 & kept the 9.
In between handing in the envelopes & chilli feed time we went to the pool & hot tub & sat out in the sun. They have movie night in the Café every Sunday but today it was “The Kings Speech” which we saw last year so it is back to the RV for the night.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day 16 Sat Jan 28 At Rio Bend RV Resort, ElCentro, California

Weather into low to mid 70’s (22C+)

I discovered that our site is close enough to the activity centre to pick up a weak WiFi signal, 1 bar as opposed to 5 bars inside the centre. It’s enough to check emails & I was able to upload a bit to the blog, then it stalled, probably as other users came on line & the signal weakened. Sheila went off to swim lengths then we lunch in RV before water volley ball scheduled for 1 PM. We played from 1 to 3PM and then sat in the hot tub for a while. We both got lots of play as it was only 7 a side. Tonight is Pub Night at the café with food and entertainment. They advertise food at 6, music from 7 to 9. We went over about 6:30, they have nice appetizer/pub-type food, we got calamari with chips, potatoes skins, & egg rolls, it all came with appropriate dips and all were very good. The band is volunteer, a large professional size keyboard, two electric guitars and one fellow playing spoons. They are residents of the park and I don’t know if they are retired professional musicians but they play like it. It was a great evening. Back to the RV to relax after a gruelling day having fun. Sheila is watching “Hook” with Robin Williams & Dustin Hoffman while I do Journal & expenses etc.

Sheila at Rio Bend RV in front of the pool\hot tub area. The cafe is in the building at the back

Bren by a cactus in front of the pool area, building is office, showers, laundry etc & Cafe at the end

Looking out from our site at Rio Bend, there is a lake just past the palm trees

Day 15 Fri Jan 27 - on route to Rio Bend RV park, weather continues great

It’s pack up & leave day. Sheila is going to check out the Double Toe dancers at 8 AM. I will stow everything in the RV go down to the air compressor & check tires, dump grey & meet her down by the exit where we hook-up. Well, we made it, out FoY @ 10:00 @ 149125. Got to El Centro by 11:15 @ 149203 and hit the Golden Corral buffet for lunch. This location has a liquid chocolate tower on the dessert bar as well as the best bread pudding we can remember ever having, very light & fluffy. After lunch I went over to Costco to gas up, and while Sheila did Food-4-Less, I did Wal-Mart and we finally pulled out of El Centro at 1:50. Sheila got the Sobe fruit drinks she wanted at an incredible deal. The guy setting up the display had $1.00 off coupons for them and he gave her a wad, 13 to be exact. Since they were on sale for 78 cents each, and the $1 coupons were taken off at the end of the order, she was earning 22 cents each on the first 13 bottles she bought. The 22 bottles she bought ended costing her $4.16 or 18.9 cents each!
After shopping, we headed to Rio Bend RV Resort just west off Hwy I 8, arriving at 2:10 @ 149221. They have lots going on. Sheila went to their Friday supper special, “All You Can Eat” fish fry for $9, but I was still full from our lunch buffet and very tired, so I took a nap in the rig. After supper there was a community bonfire that we joined. There were about 30 people around the fire, two had guitars & we sang songs. They were a very pleasant, friendly group. Sheila even got to make a Smores over the fire at the end. Their fire permit only allowed 6:30 to 8:30 PM, so it ended then. Next, we went to the activity centre that is a free WiFi hot spot to check the TV schedule for the next two days and then back to the RV for the evening to watch reruns of sit-coms on TV.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 14 Thurs Jan 26 - At FoY

like yesterday, nice & hot, 80 + F Leisurely start to the day. One “incident” though, we had turned the furnace on just to take off the morning chill of about 60 F (15C), and we heard one or two bumps or bang type noises that seemed to be coming from the roof or close outside. After the third one I went outside to look around. I discovered that last night when we ran the gen dry, I had got out more gas & filled it, but in doing so had latched a storage bin door up against the side of the RV. As it was dark I didn’t notice that I didn’t put it down. The furnace exhaust is directly behind & was blocked by the door. What happened was that the furnace was building up pressure & would bump the door out every so often to release the pressure but not hard enough to override the catch, but hard enough to make a bang. It left a round soot ring on the door which wiped off very easily so no problem.
Sheila persuaded me to join her in a walk along the gravel road behind the campground. We walked about a km north looking for an oval walking track just off the road. Never saw it, so we went back to the RV for lunch before it was time for water volleyball. After lunch, I walked down to the pool and Sheila drove down and met me there. It was a very full pool—16 a side, but much more fun because the “ball hogs” weren’t playing, at least not on Sheila’s side. Sheila then swam lengths & hot tubbed before going to Hays Hall for the FoY Dollies clogging class. She did not dance with them today as they were practising a routine for tomorrow night’s Casino Night, but she stayed and watched for a little while. She thinks they may be at a higher level than she was with the Jazzy Tappers, so she’s going to check out the Double Toe Dancers, another lower level tap group. I stayed to lie in the sun, read & hot tub. About 4:10, I went over to the Pizza & Karaoke night event at Freddy’s Fountain Café to get a seat. Just after I got a table for 8, Leon & Mercy joined me and saved the remaining spaces for their friends. Sheila joined us about 4:30. For $7 you got a 7 inch pizza, toppings of your choice from a list of about 10, plus a salad & beverage, (coffee or pop). Wine was $3 for a very full glass. Sheila had 2. The Karaoke was very entertaining-- they had some very good singers & only one person was really bad. Lots of times the audience would sing along, which made it even more fun. It went from 5 to 7 PM. Then we returned to RV for the night.

Day 13 Wed Jan 25 - At FoY

No wind, sunny & clear blue sky, Temp. 26 C/80 F. Les & Dorothy pulled out in the morning. Sheila went to her 2nd Zumba class--she even bought a special Zumba skirt for all of $5.00 – a short wrap around skirt with little silver coin-type decorations that clink etc. when you shake. I went over to the WiFi hot spot at Freddy’s café, Sheila came over after her class & we had a yummy lunch there. We shared another grilled vegetable sandwich and a fruited spinach salad. Both were very good. Then she went to a 2 hour intermediate line dancing class while I went to sun & soak in the hot spas & pool. Very light wind and lovely hot sun. Sheila came to the pool area after her class to relax & sit in the hot tub/spa as she was very tired and her muscles were achy after a total of 2½ hours spent dancing. Back at the RV we had supper and relaxed in the RV for the evening.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 12 Tues Jan 24 - At Fountain of Youth

Blue skies & bright sun, very windy & quite cool in the wind.
I drove down to the pool area as I took Computer to check & send emails at the free WiFi hotspot at Freddy’s Fountain café. Sent an email to Paul &Yvonne re our plans for the next week. I extended our stay another 3 days, got the Good Sam discount for the dry camp area. Sheila did her Zumba water exercises in the pool. She says she prefers the land classes in the hall as the leader is better. I sat in the wind & sun. The wind abated a bit by noon, so I went into the pool for water volleyball for a hour, then the hot mineral spa and home for lunch. After lunch, Sheila drove down to the post office to buy extra 5 cent stamps because the rates went up from 80 to 85 cents & we have last year’s stamps. She mailed our BD card to Adeline. Then we went over to Hays Hall where the drop-in jam session was underway 2 to 4 PM. We got there about 3PM and listened for about an hour, not wonderful singing, but enjoyable enough. All of the songs were either Gospel or Country & Western, although the instrumental numbers were varied. Back at the RV for supper then out to the “TNT” night at Hays Hall, (local talent night variety show - free). They have some quite talented people here, it was quite good, and the Hall was absolutely packed. After the show we went over to the next door Moonrise Hall which has shuffleboard tables. Les, Dorothy & us had a game. Then back to the RV for the night.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 11 Mon Jan 23 – At Fountain of Youth Rv Resort

started cloudy but clearing in PM, but much cooler ie. 60’s.
Sheila got up at 8:00 & went to 9:00 AM water exercises for 40 min, then at 11:00 she went to Zumba class in Hay’s Hall for 45 min. I took the RV to refill the empty fresh water tank and to dump our black & grey tanks. Then I refilled the generator gas tank, it holds about a gallon. Next, I went down to the pool area. I checked out the F0Y free computers, but they were busy so I had lunch at Freddy’s Café. By then a computer was free, so I checked email & today’s weather in Niland, (about 15 minutes drive south). It is supposed to rain, and then forecast is full sun Tues onwards with temps in the low 70’s, (over 21 C). Then I sat in the mineral spa tub until time for the water volleyball game from noon to 1 PM. Sheila joined the game too after Zumba, which she really likes. After volleyball we both sat in the hot mineral spa before showering off, then, since Sheila hadn’t had lunch, we went to Freddy’s Café. Sheila ordered the “grilled vegetable sandwich” which she’d seen them making yesterday & thought it looked good. It was just as good as it looked! She intends to have it again sometime. We hiked up hill back to the RV, & both napped until suppertime. This much fun is tiring! It sprinkled a bit here, but only for a few minutes—not what we’d call “rain”. After supper, we went to Les & Dorothy’s to play “Hand & Foot” with them and their RV neighbours, Leon & Mercy, (short for “Mercedes”). They are a very interesting US couple. When their kids were grown, she and her husband owned & drove a semi, (with trailers) thru the western US and she’s just a “wee bit of a thing.” We returned to the RV about 10, Sheila volunteered to finish today’s journal.

Day 10 Sun Jan 22 - At Fountain of Youth

cloudy but quite mild, no wind, sun in late PM

At 8:15, Sheila, Les & I went down to the café for their Sunday special – blueberry pancakes, sausage patty, coffee all for $5.00. Then I came down to the pool & hot spa and started reading Spider Robinson’s book, “The Crazy Years” that Ken lent me. Sheila puttered around the RV washing floors etc. I went back to the RV for a light late lunch, and we both went to the pool area so Sheila could swim lengths & do her water exercises. We returned to the RV for supper & then out for the evening’s entertainment to the ARF show, (Art, Richard & Fran) at Hays Hall. Those 3, plus some others performed skits, songs, and told jokes. It was a fun show. Fran sang two really good ‘tribute’ songs—Doris Day’s, “Secret Love” and an Etta James’ standard which we all recognised but the name’s now gone. Admission was by donation—the money is going to buy better stage equipment eg. microphones etc. We were home by 9:30 and had to go to bed shortly after that because we were unable to run the gen enough earlier. It had run dry just after dark, 5PM here, & I didn’t want to be pouring gas into it in the dark in order to start it to charge up the batteries so we could run the furnace in the evening. It was getting cold ie. in the low 60’s, (16C or so), - cold for down here.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Our site at Fountain of Youth RV Resort, (dry - no power or water at site, (they are nearby)

day 9 Sat Jan 21 - at Fountain of Youth RV Resort

Sunny, hot but windy AM then clouded over in late PM
We started the day with Sheila going up on the roof to clean the solar panel. Then it was laundry time which involved sitting in the hot spa pool while the machines did their work. I also copied a couple emails from email to a word document so Sheila can read them in the RV were we don’t have internet. Back at the RV we had a late lunch then we went down to the Rec Hall with Les & Dorothy for a game of shuffleboard, they won. Back to the RV for a rest & supper then off to the Sat night dance at 7PM. Les & Dorothy came down too. It was fun & we had a good time. Home by 10:15.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Day 8 Fri Jan 20 - On route to Fountain of Youth RV Resort

Clear & sunny in the AM, getting hot, (80F-27C), in PM
We pulled out of Fantasy Springs Casino @ 9:35 @ 149049 km & into a Food-4-Less, (9:50 to 10:45). Next stop was Oasis Date Gardens @ 10:55 for a date shake, sampling varieties of dates & buying some, out @ 11:15. We pulled into the Fountain of Youth entrance @ 12:00 @ 149124 km. We checked in, (4 nights for price of 3), with a coupon and drove up to the dry camping area where Les & Dorothy Bullis, our friends from the Dogwood Roamers, were camped. I dumped the grey tank, filled the water tank, got into our spot and went down to the hot pool area & was in a hot tub by 1:30. I came out after a while & went over to Freddy’s Fountain Café by one of the pools where they have a free WiFi hot spot to check email. I met Sheila at the other swimming pool for some water walking & went in the hot tub there. The water in the swimming pool was very warm—almost as hot as the water in the hot tub. Sheila said it’s the hottest swimming pool she’s ever been in and she’s been in a lot during her lifetime! We were back at the RV by 4:30. After supper, we went to play Hand & Foot with Les & Dorothy in their 5th wheel as they have a free-standing dining table that makes it easy to get 4 people around. Les & Bren won. We had coffee & cookies there before returning to the RV 9:30 ish.

Distance Travelled – 75 km – 47 miles

Day 7 Thurs Jan 19 -to Fantasy Springs casino

Clear & sunny, mild
I gathered a few more oranges while I unhooked services & re hooked up the car. We pulled out of Orange Grove RV Park 10:20 @ 148679 km. On eastward on hwy 58. The GPS took us on 58 to 395 then south to 215 and connected with hwy 10 to Palm Springs area, a different route than we normally take. We stopped for gas at a Pilot stn on the corner of hwy 58 & hwy 395 at 148818 km, from 12:00 to 12:10. Then our lunch stop was at a Denny’s in Adelanto about 60 miles further down Hwy 395, at 148873 km, from 12:55 to 1:40. Then I went grocery shopping while Sheila went to a manicure place to have her falsies removed – nails! nails!. You are apparently supposed to change them periodically. That took from 1:40 to 2:40. Finally on the road again and arrived at Fantasy Springs Casino parking lot 4:45 @ 149049 km. Weather seems nice and mild almost warm but as it is getting dark by 5 pm, hard to tell. I set up the generator for later and Sheila went into the casino while I stayed to do computer stuff & relax. I checked the mileage on the GPS route against our usual route. GPS knows best! I have it set for fastest route and it was way faster, all high speed multi lane roads, VS- small towns, 2 lane roads, traffic lights etc. There was only a half mile difference in distance, my streets & trips put our old route at 229.6 miles.

Distance travelled – 370 km – 230 miles

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 6 Wed Jan 18

Clear & sunny, cool but not COLD
Decided to stay another night at Orange Grove RV Park. I calculated gas mileage for the trip so far: - we get; 7.8 miles, (12.5 km), per USG, that’s 9.3 miles per CDN gal or 3.3 km per litre, 30.3 L. per 100 km. We spent the morning leisurely; coffee & donuts from the RV Park office, picking more oranges, having showers, enjoying the sun, it is nice & warm and there is zero wind. R & R in & around the RV Park for the day, watched some TV & ate oranges.

Our 5th & 6th nights at Orange Grove RV Park, Bakersfield, CA

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 5 Tues Jan 17

Clear & sunny, warm days COLD nights.
We awoke this morning to a frozen solid water hose and a cold RV, (42 F) cuz furnace did not come on so we went out to Perko’s for a great breakfast. For $5.99 I got a 2egg mushroom & cheese omelette, 2 sausages, hash browns & biscuits & gravy – these I gave to Sheila. Sheila had two huge potato pancakes, 2 eggs and 2 slices of bacon for $6.99. Back at the RV, I tried the furnace again and amazingly it came on! Back at the RV I broke part of their water tap trying to shut it off, it was frozen in the pipe, I reported it to the office and they said don’t worry, no problem. They are apparently setting records for cold in northern & central California. We pulled out of the Modesto Elks at 10:40 @ 148327 km. We pulled into a Pilot stn at 12:05 @ 148447 & out at 12:30, I try to use Pilot or Flying J as much as possible as I get 2 cents off per gallon. Doesn’t sound like much but I put in 43 USG last fill so it adds up. Sheila took over driving from 12:30 to 1:50 and we arrived at Orange Grove RV Park @ 3:05 @ 148679. After checking in we immediately went to the RV washing location. We got most of the grime off the RV & the car, and it’s free, they even supply the hose & spray nozzle. Then we pulled into our site, hooked up & went picking oranges, they are delicious, we got a cpl dozen quite quickly. Now for an evening of TV & staying warm. We watched a PBS 2 hr show on Custers Last Stand, it was quite interesting and the battle information matched up with what we were told when we went there last year. On the late news they are forecasting just on freezing temps for here tonight.

Distance travelled – 352 km – 219 miles - Sheila drove 1 hr 20 mins

Day 4 Mon Jan 16-

Clear & sunny, but cool in the wind
I walked over to the Elks Lodge and paid my $12.00 for last night and we pulled out of Red Bluff @ 10:45 @ 147996 km. We pulled off the hwy at a rest area just before Sacramento for lunch from 12:55 to 2:00. We arrived at the Modesto Elks @ 3:55 @ 148327. Sheila went in to check out the Lounge while I hooked up, (they have 30 amp power and water at the site and a dump station). WiFi is available in the lounge, apparently the all metal building shields it from the RV Park – I did get a very weak signal, but not enough to connect. So I took the computer over to join her. It was a nice lounge with tables and a nice polished wood bar. Sheila’s cocktails were $3.75 for premium liquor and $2.50 each for well drinks, with the second one being free, a note on the lounge door said it is open only to Elks Members as is the RV Park. We spent a while there checking out emails etc, then ret’d to the RV. We decided to go to the Golden Corral buffet for supper as we have been to a few of them & love the food. However as of 6:30 pm it was jammed full with a large line up, so we went to a place recommended by the office girl at the Elks Lodge called Perko’s. We had a nice, cheap supper before returning to the RV for the evening. I tried the TV and got 2 digital channels crystal clear, unfortunately they were both Spanish.

Distance covered 331 km – 206 miles
Sheila drove 1 hr 55 min. (2:00 – 3:55)

2012 snowbird trip Day 3 Sun Jan 15

Sun with some cloud all day, cold at night.
The 9AM Traffic cams show clear black road at Siskiyou summit, although lots of snow on the side of the road.
Sheila went for a quick swim before we left, so we didn’t leave campground till 11:05 @ 147597 km. We stopped at 12:25 in Medford OR for lunch at the Home Town Buffet and I put in just a little bit gas at Fred Meyer, (so as not to have a full tank going over the summit.) We pulled out at 1:35 and got to the Siskiyou summit of 4310 feet (1313 metres), at 2 PM. Down the other side & into a Pilot gas stn in Weed CA for expensive CA gas ($3.59 a gal VS $3.29 in OR.) In at 3:00 & out at 3:25, Sheila drove the rest of the way past Lake Shasta, (which is still low but higher than a few years ago), and into Red Bluff and to the Elk Lodge RV Park by 5:05. They have 30 amp power & water and a nice level spot. We walked over to the lodge but it’s closed, so we’ll go over tomorrow to pay them the night’s fee - $12.00. We spent the evening watching some TV; we picked up several digital stations out of Redding, all of which came in crystal clear except for the occasional brief glitch in transmission.

Distance covered – 404 km – 251 miles
Sheila drove today for 1 hr. 45 min. (3:20 – 5:05 pm)

2012 snowbird trip Day 2 Sat Jan 14

Rain off & on during the night but it had stopped by morning. We pulled out @ 9:45 @ 147193. Our first gas stop was at a Pilot stn @ 147330, 11:25 to 11:45 near Salem Oregon. I put in 43.5 USG so I had 11.5 USG left in the 55 USG tank, about 80 miles worth. As the tank was full when I left storage that means I went about 580 km or 360 miles before filling so a full tank is good for about 450 miles or 725 km until we splutter to a stop. A few miles further down the road we went off I 5 at Albany @ 12:20 for lunch & grocery shopping. Lunch was at a Del Taco then off & away @ 1:55 & back on I 5 by 2PM. We pulled into 7 Feathers RV Park @ 4:15 @ 147597. Because it was sunny, Sheila immediately went for a walk north along the creek down to the truck stop. When she returned, we both went for a swim & hot tub before dinner. While swimming, Sheila noticed that her silver ring was quite loose, so, while standing in the water, she took it off to give to me and accidently flipped it up into the air. Thinking it’d dropped into the water, she spent almost 10 min. looking for it. She’d almost given up when she dove underwater, turned sideways at the bottom of the pool so she could see the vent there, and it dropped off her head onto the bottom of the pool. Amazing, eh! After dinner, I did the journal etc., while Sheila took the Shuttle to the casino to check out the entertainment there and do a bit of gambling. She returned about 11 pm, said she’d enjoyed listening to John Conlee in the special event hall and ? Burke in the lounge but the gambling hadn’t gone too well—she lost about $35.
Weather today: We had rain off & on all day, sometimes quite heavy. The rain here held off until around 8 pm, then started again. Forecast is for cold & snow showers which could create a problem for the Siskiyou Pass tomorrow.

Distance travelled - 404 km – 251 miles

the 2012 snowbird trip - The beginning

Day 1 Friday Jan 13
We had the RV in front of home this year and could flush water tanks & have the RV plugged in to maintain heat. We got away by 11:00 @ 146779 km. Got to Pac Hwy by 11:55, cleared, no problems by 12:20. A 5 minute rest area stop, then lots of traffic through the Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia corridor and arrived at the Elks Lodge in Keslo by 5:15 @ 147193. They have 30 amp power, water & cable vision with a dump station area, all for $15.00 – a donation to the Elks, so no tax. Sheila had phoned earlier & found out that it was Crab Dinner night, so in we went. Sheila had the crab-- two large crabs, which she figures yielded at least 6 oz, (probably closer to 8 oz of crabmeat). I opted for the chicken, (a large and delicious boneless breast), just because crab is so much of a nuisance to get the meat out, much as I love crab. The dinner also included a delicious potato salad, coleslaw, baked beans, hot garlic bread and coffee—all for $20. Not cheap, but well worth it for all that fresh crab. One plate & I was full! They also had entertainment/dancing in the lounge and cheap drinks, (Sheila’s cocktail was $3.75), however, since I was very tired after a day of driving, I did not want to stay so we returned to the RV to do journal, expenses etc. The weather was some cloud but no rain until suppertime when it sprinkled. It was cool in the evening but not too bad.

Distance covered – 414 km – 257 miles