Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 10 Sun Jan 22 - At Fountain of Youth

cloudy but quite mild, no wind, sun in late PM

At 8:15, Sheila, Les & I went down to the café for their Sunday special – blueberry pancakes, sausage patty, coffee all for $5.00. Then I came down to the pool & hot spa and started reading Spider Robinson’s book, “The Crazy Years” that Ken lent me. Sheila puttered around the RV washing floors etc. I went back to the RV for a light late lunch, and we both went to the pool area so Sheila could swim lengths & do her water exercises. We returned to the RV for supper & then out for the evening’s entertainment to the ARF show, (Art, Richard & Fran) at Hays Hall. Those 3, plus some others performed skits, songs, and told jokes. It was a fun show. Fran sang two really good ‘tribute’ songs—Doris Day’s, “Secret Love” and an Etta James’ standard which we all recognised but the name’s now gone. Admission was by donation—the money is going to buy better stage equipment eg. microphones etc. We were home by 9:30 and had to go to bed shortly after that because we were unable to run the gen enough earlier. It had run dry just after dark, 5PM here, & I didn’t want to be pouring gas into it in the dark in order to start it to charge up the batteries so we could run the furnace in the evening. It was getting cold ie. in the low 60’s, (16C or so), - cold for down here.

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