Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day 16 Sat Jan 28 At Rio Bend RV Resort, ElCentro, California

Weather into low to mid 70’s (22C+)

I discovered that our site is close enough to the activity centre to pick up a weak WiFi signal, 1 bar as opposed to 5 bars inside the centre. It’s enough to check emails & I was able to upload a bit to the blog, then it stalled, probably as other users came on line & the signal weakened. Sheila went off to swim lengths then we lunch in RV before water volley ball scheduled for 1 PM. We played from 1 to 3PM and then sat in the hot tub for a while. We both got lots of play as it was only 7 a side. Tonight is Pub Night at the café with food and entertainment. They advertise food at 6, music from 7 to 9. We went over about 6:30, they have nice appetizer/pub-type food, we got calamari with chips, potatoes skins, & egg rolls, it all came with appropriate dips and all were very good. The band is volunteer, a large professional size keyboard, two electric guitars and one fellow playing spoons. They are residents of the park and I don’t know if they are retired professional musicians but they play like it. It was a great evening. Back to the RV to relax after a gruelling day having fun. Sheila is watching “Hook” with Robin Williams & Dustin Hoffman while I do Journal & expenses etc.

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