Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 11 Mon Jan 23 – At Fountain of Youth Rv Resort

started cloudy but clearing in PM, but much cooler ie. 60’s.
Sheila got up at 8:00 & went to 9:00 AM water exercises for 40 min, then at 11:00 she went to Zumba class in Hay’s Hall for 45 min. I took the RV to refill the empty fresh water tank and to dump our black & grey tanks. Then I refilled the generator gas tank, it holds about a gallon. Next, I went down to the pool area. I checked out the F0Y free computers, but they were busy so I had lunch at Freddy’s Café. By then a computer was free, so I checked email & today’s weather in Niland, (about 15 minutes drive south). It is supposed to rain, and then forecast is full sun Tues onwards with temps in the low 70’s, (over 21 C). Then I sat in the mineral spa tub until time for the water volleyball game from noon to 1 PM. Sheila joined the game too after Zumba, which she really likes. After volleyball we both sat in the hot mineral spa before showering off, then, since Sheila hadn’t had lunch, we went to Freddy’s Café. Sheila ordered the “grilled vegetable sandwich” which she’d seen them making yesterday & thought it looked good. It was just as good as it looked! She intends to have it again sometime. We hiked up hill back to the RV, & both napped until suppertime. This much fun is tiring! It sprinkled a bit here, but only for a few minutes—not what we’d call “rain”. After supper, we went to Les & Dorothy’s to play “Hand & Foot” with them and their RV neighbours, Leon & Mercy, (short for “Mercedes”). They are a very interesting US couple. When their kids were grown, she and her husband owned & drove a semi, (with trailers) thru the western US and she’s just a “wee bit of a thing.” We returned to the RV about 10, Sheila volunteered to finish today’s journal.

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