Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 14 Thurs Jan 26 - At FoY

like yesterday, nice & hot, 80 + F Leisurely start to the day. One “incident” though, we had turned the furnace on just to take off the morning chill of about 60 F (15C), and we heard one or two bumps or bang type noises that seemed to be coming from the roof or close outside. After the third one I went outside to look around. I discovered that last night when we ran the gen dry, I had got out more gas & filled it, but in doing so had latched a storage bin door up against the side of the RV. As it was dark I didn’t notice that I didn’t put it down. The furnace exhaust is directly behind & was blocked by the door. What happened was that the furnace was building up pressure & would bump the door out every so often to release the pressure but not hard enough to override the catch, but hard enough to make a bang. It left a round soot ring on the door which wiped off very easily so no problem.
Sheila persuaded me to join her in a walk along the gravel road behind the campground. We walked about a km north looking for an oval walking track just off the road. Never saw it, so we went back to the RV for lunch before it was time for water volleyball. After lunch, I walked down to the pool and Sheila drove down and met me there. It was a very full pool—16 a side, but much more fun because the “ball hogs” weren’t playing, at least not on Sheila’s side. Sheila then swam lengths & hot tubbed before going to Hays Hall for the FoY Dollies clogging class. She did not dance with them today as they were practising a routine for tomorrow night’s Casino Night, but she stayed and watched for a little while. She thinks they may be at a higher level than she was with the Jazzy Tappers, so she’s going to check out the Double Toe Dancers, another lower level tap group. I stayed to lie in the sun, read & hot tub. About 4:10, I went over to the Pizza & Karaoke night event at Freddy’s Fountain Café to get a seat. Just after I got a table for 8, Leon & Mercy joined me and saved the remaining spaces for their friends. Sheila joined us about 4:30. For $7 you got a 7 inch pizza, toppings of your choice from a list of about 10, plus a salad & beverage, (coffee or pop). Wine was $3 for a very full glass. Sheila had 2. The Karaoke was very entertaining-- they had some very good singers & only one person was really bad. Lots of times the audience would sing along, which made it even more fun. It went from 5 to 7 PM. Then we returned to RV for the night.

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