Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Day 10 Feb 25 Saturday

Today is parade day so we went out to get a spot for our chairs. It was a nice parade, decorated Golf Carts and ATV’s representing the various clubs & services offered on the park.  Some were really done up fancy. Then we went down to the reception area where the pools, Freddy’s Café, & general facilities are.  They had lots of booths set up selling crafts & food etc.  Sheila bought a small shoulder bay made out of recycled blue jeans.  We registered for the Chilli Cook off.  For $2.00 we got to try a small cup, of 6 different Chillies—meat &  one vegetarian & vote for our favorite.  It was a good deal for me cuz Sheila gave me all the ones that were too spicy for her!  Then we listened to Richard Godfrey, a good C&W singer & watched some of the Can/Am games events, (teams of Canadians & Americans competing in assorted party type games such as blowing a ping-pong ball with a straw.  Sheila will go to watch the Water Volley Ball games  3-4 pm & I will get seats for the 4 PM entertainment @ Freddie’s Café. Canada swept all the Can/Am games events. There were 4 VB games 2 women’s & 2 men’s. Canada won all 4 games.  There are more Canadians staying here than Americans, (as in a lot of the southern RV Parks we have been in), so we have a good talent pool to draw on.  The music group, “2 Dollars Short” was scheduled from 4 to 7.  They said they don’t play anything newer than the 70’s which brought a cheer!  There were 2 men; one of them said he used to be in a blue grass group in Kelowna area. He was a very good player.  After, we came back up to the RV where Les was going to start a fire but it was cooling down a bit too much so we all, (8 of us) got into Kevin’s rig, (a class A), brought in a couple of folding chairs and had a good visit until 9 or so.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Day 9 Feb 24 Friday

Today is Borrego Springs Day.  Sheila & I, Les & Dorothy & Kitty in Les’ truck, Kevin & Leslie, Sandy & Heather in another car headed out at 10 AM. We arrived at Borrego Springs, (on the west side of the Salton Sea, almost across from  FOY and approx 30 mi. inland) at about 11:30 and wandered into  a park at the beginning of town, with stands set up. It turned out to be a farmers market. Then we wandered into a metal sculpture outdoor shop to look at the creations. They were well done and considering the size and work required to make them not really expensive, (a 4 foot high well made elephant was around $600.00).  We then went for lunch at Carmelita’s Mex restaurant that was in a mall further along the hwy.  After lunch we wandered around the outdoor mall a bit. Then we headed up to the Visitor Centre south of town. There were lots of interesting displays and information on Anza/Borrega State Park.  We watched a movie on the changing seasons, wildlife and how they adapted to life in the desert where it rose to 124 F, (over 50 C), in summer & went down to freezing in winter.  We then took a drive to look at some life size, & some much bigger, metal sculptures around the area.  Some were prehistoric animals, some current animals.  All were welded pieces of metal.  They were done very realistically & were almost lifelike in their poses.  Our camera battery went dead in the middle so we have some but not all we saw.  Then we drove out of the park to the town of Westmorland at the south end of the Salton Sea where we all had a Date Shake.  Then off to El Centro to “Willy’s Donuts” for their end of day sale where you can buy a cake box full of donuts for $4.99.  You don’t know what's there will be until you get there. Today they only had boxes of Long Johns so we got one box to split with well over a dozen in it.  Then we headed home arriving back at the RV Park about 7:50.  A long, but fun, day.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Friday, February 24, 2017

Day 8 Feb 23 Thursday

Got up & had my coffee, didn’t need to run furnace as it is nice & warm. Sheila went down for the pool exercise class while I went down with the RV to get propane.  After fill up I returned up the hill to our camp spot. When Sheila returned, we had lunch and lazed around till late afternoon then we went down (with Les & Dorothy), to Freddy’s café for Karaoke and Pizza night at the outdoor area from 4 to 7. We got a table around the big gas fireplace.  Most of the singers were quite good, some excellent and of course 1 or 2 that couldn’t sing well.  However, it was a fun evening though Sheila found it quite chilly in the lower section.  Afterwards we returned to Les’ rig for a bonfire and roasted marshmallows & used chocolate coated cookies to make Smores. We heard from one of the group that on a trip they had  met a German family in a rental unit on holidays & asked if they would like to join the fire & roast marshmallows, they then learned that they don’t have marshmallows in Germany, their kids were ecstatic of course.  Who knew that North America is more civilized than Europe – no marshmallows, how barbaric!  

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Day 7 Feb 22 Wednesday

Temp in RV at 7 AM was 64 F without ever running the furnace Yea-a! We went into the casino for their breakfast special and discovered they have gone up in price from $3 something to almost $5.00 and the food was much simpler, i.e. no sausages, bacon.  We finished breakfast about 9:00 and went out to the local Food 4 Less for assorted groceries.  Back at RV by 10:45 and hooked up & away by 11:05 @ 45380. We arrived at the Fountain of Youth RV Resort by 12:00 @ 45424.  We took a week in the dry camp to see how the batteries last with my small portable solar panel.  We can run the generator but it uses gas from the  main tank, (which is an 80 US gal tank)..  I’ll be able to calculate how much, because I noted that the speedometer said 443 miles to empty when we arrived.  Unfortunately camp regulations say generators can only be run 8-10 am, 12-1 pm & 5-7 pm, so no evening TV or DVD movies while we’re here.  

 It is sunny and hot here—83 F today. We met up with our friends, Les, Dorothy, Kevin & Leslie and had a great afternoon trading stories about everyone’s trip south.  It was a weird year for everyone.  About 4:00, we drove down to the pool area, and went on the computer to check our e-mail.  Nothing yet from the dentist Sheila e-mailed just before she left.  Then, while I hot tubbed, Sheila swam a few lengths.  Back to the RV for supper.  We had just finished washing the dishes when Les appeared & invited us over.  We had a pleasant visit while they showed us photos & told us about the various trips they had taken since they came down here in Jan. We were back at the by 9:00 pm so I could get today’s blog done. 

Short run today – 44 miles, 55 min on the road

PS Now that we are in a dry camp unplugged we may not be able to add each day, same day or so and I may have to add 2 or 3 days at once.

Day 6 Feb 21 Tuesday

Up this morning to no power so I went over to the office to pick up my coffee and a donut or 2 and reported it. With all the stormy weather they’ve been having here I figured a line was down somewhere.  Anyway the girl  phoned and when I got back the campground repairman was at the rig checking it out.  The power tested positive, but it was still out inside.  So I checked the breakers & of course one was tripped so I reset it and all was well. Who know why it popped?  Anyway, after a hearty breakfast of coffee & donuts we got ready to go.  Pulled out @ 11:10 @ 45147 miles, I guess I should clear up that I can set my speedometer etc to read in miles or so of course I use miles in the US.  Going east on Hwy 58 at 11:30 we finally got to turn on the A/C.  Sheila drove the first bit & we changed at a rest area at 12:35. Gas stop at 45275 mi at 1:45 – 2:00 then over to the Outpost Café, (a western-style restaurant) for lunch--2:00 to 3:15.   We had a leisurely lunch because the food was plentiful and good, and they provided humorous books to read while you waited for your food.  Then we were off down hwy 15 to hwy 215 and onto 10 to the Palm Springs area.  We pulled off hwy in Indio to Spotlight 29 Casino at 45380 & camped for the night at 5:10. We went into the casino to check on breakfast specials for tomorrow then Sheila stayed to gamble a bit and I returned to the RV to do the usual paper-work, (expenses, journal etc).

233 miles - 4 hrs 30 min on the road

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Day 5 Monday Feb 20

It rained all night and is still raining.  According to the RV outside temp thermometer that I have access to on the RV dash it is 55 F at 9 AM, (that’s about 13 C).  On the TV in the Elks lounge last night they have storm warnings for central Calif. Right down from way north of Sacramento half way to Bakersfield.  Some of their local dams & rivers are sitting at a foot or less from capacity or flood height limit.  Temperatures in the central valley are sitting between a high of mid 50’s F and a low in the 40’s F with continuous rain everywhere. Finally out Modesto Elks @ 11:30 @ 44927 in the rain.  An hour down the road south of Merced Calif. the rain stopped or at least held off for long periods.  The sun poked out a bit and the dash thermometer said 65 F.  We said we would pull off in a rest area for lunch. By 2:30 not one rest area so we pulled off at a big Loves Gas Travel Plaza, (with a Subway of course), at 2:20.  Of course we had another Sub, at $6.00 for a foot long that we get cut in half with our own choice of add-ons for each half it works out well.  We left the Subway at 3:05 & back to the 99 hwy by 3:10. We arrived at Orange Grove RV Park @ 4:15 @ 45147.  It was 66 F when we pulled in and we warmed up with the RV just sitting in the sun.  Sheila went out to pick oranges while I set up the RV.  We cooked supper & then settled to watch TV (cable) and work on the daily journal, blog & expenses. 
I turned in early as I was tired from driving in the rain in low visibility from the spray from the never ending line of trucks on the road.  The right lane had trucks in it as far ahead as you could see and it you passed a group, (4 or 5 trucks), there was another bunch ahead. The other lane was all cars going at 70 MPH or more so I was in the right lane mostly. Add in a cross wind & it didn’t make for fun driving.

220 miles – on road 4 hrs 5 min

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Day 4 Feb 19 Sunday

No overnight flooding so all is well. We left Willows at 10:20 @ 44765. Rest stop 11:35 to 12:00, Flying J @ 12:50, 44883, put in 53 .05 USG @ $2.41/gallon. Finished at 1:00, then lunch on Subs again. We are “Subbing” our way south.  We finished lunch & were away by 1:50 and into Modesto Elks @ 2:45 @ 44927.  We were originally going for Orange Grove RV but it would have meant driving after dark again so we stopped early today.  It is windy with rain showers.  As a matter of fact we have had the windshield wipers on almost constantly since we left home.  Also we have yet to turn on the A/C in the RV, we have the heater running all the time while driving, it’s on low but it’s on. The temperature has not been great either, we’ve seen it get as high as 51F, (10.5 C), and it is a lot lower at night, in the low to mid 40’s, (45 F = 7 C).  At Modesto Elks we went into the lodge where they have WiFi to catch up (or try) with internet stuff.  Sheila hasn’t yet heard from her Dentist, so we will head to the Fountain of Youth RV park where Les & Dorothy Bullis, (Roamers friends), are staying.  Around the beginning of March we will head for Golden Village Palms to be there for Sheila’s Birthday and a Concert/Dance by “The Art of Sax” group.  We will probably book a month at least to start as our travel insurance is good to 25 April.  We’ll work the dentist thing in whenever.  One thing that seems to be working out OK, (so far), is that whatever caused the drips on the dashboard seems to have fixed itself, it was raining all day today but no water appeared on the dashboard. In the bar, about 5 pm, a large pot of chilli, homemade cornbread & some yummy-looking chocolate squares appeared & we were told to help ourselves.  Supper!  And the price was right!  We returned to the RV and watched a movie—“Runaway Jury” that Sheila had brought.  It was quite suspenseful. 

Only 162 miles today, on road 3 hours

Day 3 Feb 18 Saturday

Happy Birthday Mikaela.

Sheila has gone down to the pool for one last swim.  After raining all night it is now slightly overcast with the sun coming out. We seem to have a small amount of water on the dashboard, I wiped it up.  I think that with all the freeze & thaw that a seal on the front windshield may have loosened or separated, time will tell.   Finally out 7 Feathers at 11:30 @ 44469 mi. South on I5 to a Pilot station to get gas before hitting Calif. In at 12:55 @ 44536, finished gassing up by 1:10 and then went to a parking spot at the station to have lunch—(Sheila had gotten a Subway sandwich).  We finished lunch & were on I-5 south by 1:40 with .Sheila driving.  She went up & over the Siskiyou summit @ 2:15 & into Calif. at 2:25, and on down hill in Calif & she pulled into a rest area to change drivers at 3:15. We had been headed for the Walmart in Willows & Nancy’s Airport Café.  Sheila thought that as it is a Saturday that the Elks in Red Bluff might be having a dance or something so we headed there, but their RV lot was full & overflowing with people parking rigs in the car parking lot and more cars arriving. There was nowhere I could get our 50 plus feet of RV & car out of the way and so we left as even more cars poured into the lot. Then we saw a sign for the Rolling Hills Casino 9 miles down the road and it said they have an RV Park so let’s check it out.  Well, we got to the registration building where it said $28.00 for a night, and it also said ‘Lot full’.  There were RV’s parked in amongst the big rigs but I thought Wal-Mart would be nicer and we could have a great dinner at Nancy’s Airport Café.  So down the Hwy for another 27 miles and we tried to pull into Wal-Mart at 6:30 at 44765 miles but the entrances were blocked off and the parking lot looked strangely empty even though lights were on. There was no water now but they looked like they had been flooded!  Enroute down we saw Rest Areas closed with a lot of water over roadways and some side roads closed and areas with very large pools of water surrounding trees.  I think it must be from the Sacramento River or very heavy rain but I am not sure.  Anytime we went past a river that we could see from the road it was full & fast and had overflowed its banks.
Then we went across the street to Nancy’s Café where we saw lots of large puddles in the parking lot and the entrance door had a ring of sandbags in front of it.  I went in and you could see on the floor by the outside wall a 2 to 3 foot strip of brown dirt.  They had a crew sandbagging to keep any more water out.  As it was now dark we decided we weren’t going anywhere else—3 tries was enough!  Besides, there was nothing for many miles where we could overnight. So-o, even if more water comes up during the night we are high & could drive through a foot or more easily. A girl from Nancy’s Café  was out in the dark clearing debris from the wire fence that was near us, she said it was the Sacramento River that had flooded and they had had 15 inches in the parking lot!  We had a delicious dinner in the RV, (thank goodness Sheila had shopped yesterday) and we’re going to watch a movie on DVD but we couldn’t figure out how to play it!  Sheila said she wasn’t surprised, since nothing else went right today!

229 miles, on the road 6 hrs 15 min

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Day 2 Feb 17 Friday

It’s Daylight and the problem with the water tank plug continues.  I can’t get it to screw in far enough to seal. I’ll have to take it to a shop.  I will try to find a Camping World or I will go to McKay RV Services in Albany where I have been before, they do good reliable work.  We have water in the water tank so we just turn on the pump to get it, no hot water of course.  So, out of the Kelso Elks at 44217 miles @ 10:40.  We almost immediately hit a closure of 2 of the 3 driving lanes and a long backup; it took us 1 hour to go 20 miles, not a great start.   Into Flying J in Oregon at 1:00 @ 44287 miles & filled up at $2.24 a gallon less 5 cents I get off using my Flying J charge card.  We also got a foot long sub sandwich on sale at their Subway for lunch.  There was nowhere to park our rig there so we left at 1:40.  It took longer this gas stop because we had to wait for someone to come & fill the tank, Oregon doesn’t allow self serve and it takes a while to put in 62 gallons plus the lunch shopping. We found a rest area at 2:15 at 44329 mi, for lunch and back on road at 2:45.  Then off again to McKay RV Services arriving at 2:50 @ 44329 mi. They found that the internal threads were damaged probably by someone trying to get a stuck plug out with a screwdriver.  On route there thanks to potholes and rough road we also lost the catch that holds the water heater access door closed.  They were able to use a tap to ream out the threads so they could get the plug back in. All they charged me was $5.00 for the door catch I purchased. Finally something went well ! Out at 3:20 and down the road to the Albany Fred Meyer at 44335 mi where we got groceries & a new one year phone card as our year time expires in March. We thought of staying overnight at Fred Meyer, (I asked & it was OK), but we both wanted to get to Seven Feathers Casino RV Park with their hot tub & swimming pool.  So off we went, leaving Albany at 4:50 and finally arriving in the dark at 7:05 at 44469 mi.  We hooked up & headed for a relaxing hot tub, Sheila even swam a while in the pool. Then a late supper in the RV and to try to catch up on emails, blog entries and logging my expenses. I have decided that no more driving in the dark on winding roads going up & down hills.  I was wishing we had Ken with his great night vision with us. Also, so far the water heater plug seems to be holding fine, no leaks.

252 miles - close to 6 hrs with lots of stops, starts,

Friday, February 17, 2017

The actual trip starts - Day 1

Thurs, Feb 16
After much rigmarole we are finally off with our new car, new tow gear, but same old RV & occupants.  We left home at 10:10, stopped for breakfast at A & W 10:25 – 10:45 & got to storage by 10:50.  Parked stuff into RV from car, hooked car up and set it up to tow according to instructions & away   by 11:30, at 43957 miles on RV. We arrived at the border 12:15, finally clear 1:00, no problems, just lots of cars.  There seemed to be a build up of traffic going into Seattle so we opted to go the hwy 405 route. Half way down it slowed to a crawl and stayed that way all the way through Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia, and past the Fort Lewis area.  Traffic finally speed up about 80 or so miles from Kelso but the slow traffic made us later & later until we were running in the dark the last hour or so. We finally pulled into the Kelso Elks at 6:15 at 44217 on RV, 260 miles total 5 hrs & 15 minutes non stop from the border. I hooked us up to power & water and then went into the Elks Lodge & had supper there, a nice dinner. Came out to find water dribbling from the hot water tank plug, I hadn’t got it in tight enough so I just filled the big fresh water tank & turned off the hose and I’ll deal with it in the morning when it is daylight. Not a great start so far.

260 miles, 5 hrs 15 mins

Friday, February 10, 2017

snow & other delays as of Feb 10

The car insurance got settled finally, picked up cheque today.  Picked up our 2016 Ford Focus yesterday, got the tow brackets removed from old Focus and dropped all parts & car off at West Coast RV.  They then gave us the news that the 2010 Focus base plate doesn't fit the 2016 Focus so the have to order one.  Problem is that today is Friday and this is a long weekend with a holiday Monday so Tuesday is the earliest now to get the car back.  Delay, Delay, Delay, will we ever get away!!!!!

Saturday, February 4, 2017

snow, snow, & more snow

Sat Feb 4
It's Saturday eve & after clearing the driveway Fri morn it is now under another 4 or so inches of snow.   Since Friday we have had about 6 1/2 inches of snow & more in the forecast.  This will cause problems with me getting out to the car in Maple Ridge to get the registration for our old car that CDI insurance needs and possibly us getting downtown to pick up cheques.

Friday, February 3, 2017

slow progress but at least progress

Friday Feb 3
They have processed the claim, have come up with an overall figure and i just need to sign some papers to get the cheque.  They will phone on Monday once all the paper work is done & I can go down, hopefully, on Tuesday & get a check.  Then we can see about another car and heading south. WE HOPE!!!!!!!