Sunday, February 19, 2017

Day 4 Feb 19 Sunday

No overnight flooding so all is well. We left Willows at 10:20 @ 44765. Rest stop 11:35 to 12:00, Flying J @ 12:50, 44883, put in 53 .05 USG @ $2.41/gallon. Finished at 1:00, then lunch on Subs again. We are “Subbing” our way south.  We finished lunch & were away by 1:50 and into Modesto Elks @ 2:45 @ 44927.  We were originally going for Orange Grove RV but it would have meant driving after dark again so we stopped early today.  It is windy with rain showers.  As a matter of fact we have had the windshield wipers on almost constantly since we left home.  Also we have yet to turn on the A/C in the RV, we have the heater running all the time while driving, it’s on low but it’s on. The temperature has not been great either, we’ve seen it get as high as 51F, (10.5 C), and it is a lot lower at night, in the low to mid 40’s, (45 F = 7 C).  At Modesto Elks we went into the lodge where they have WiFi to catch up (or try) with internet stuff.  Sheila hasn’t yet heard from her Dentist, so we will head to the Fountain of Youth RV park where Les & Dorothy Bullis, (Roamers friends), are staying.  Around the beginning of March we will head for Golden Village Palms to be there for Sheila’s Birthday and a Concert/Dance by “The Art of Sax” group.  We will probably book a month at least to start as our travel insurance is good to 25 April.  We’ll work the dentist thing in whenever.  One thing that seems to be working out OK, (so far), is that whatever caused the drips on the dashboard seems to have fixed itself, it was raining all day today but no water appeared on the dashboard. In the bar, about 5 pm, a large pot of chilli, homemade cornbread & some yummy-looking chocolate squares appeared & we were told to help ourselves.  Supper!  And the price was right!  We returned to the RV and watched a movie—“Runaway Jury” that Sheila had brought.  It was quite suspenseful. 

Only 162 miles today, on road 3 hours

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