Friday, February 17, 2017

The actual trip starts - Day 1

Thurs, Feb 16
After much rigmarole we are finally off with our new car, new tow gear, but same old RV & occupants.  We left home at 10:10, stopped for breakfast at A & W 10:25 – 10:45 & got to storage by 10:50.  Parked stuff into RV from car, hooked car up and set it up to tow according to instructions & away   by 11:30, at 43957 miles on RV. We arrived at the border 12:15, finally clear 1:00, no problems, just lots of cars.  There seemed to be a build up of traffic going into Seattle so we opted to go the hwy 405 route. Half way down it slowed to a crawl and stayed that way all the way through Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia, and past the Fort Lewis area.  Traffic finally speed up about 80 or so miles from Kelso but the slow traffic made us later & later until we were running in the dark the last hour or so. We finally pulled into the Kelso Elks at 6:15 at 44217 on RV, 260 miles total 5 hrs & 15 minutes non stop from the border. I hooked us up to power & water and then went into the Elks Lodge & had supper there, a nice dinner. Came out to find water dribbling from the hot water tank plug, I hadn’t got it in tight enough so I just filled the big fresh water tank & turned off the hose and I’ll deal with it in the morning when it is daylight. Not a great start so far.

260 miles, 5 hrs 15 mins

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