Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Day 10 Feb 25 Saturday

Today is parade day so we went out to get a spot for our chairs. It was a nice parade, decorated Golf Carts and ATV’s representing the various clubs & services offered on the park.  Some were really done up fancy. Then we went down to the reception area where the pools, Freddy’s Café, & general facilities are.  They had lots of booths set up selling crafts & food etc.  Sheila bought a small shoulder bay made out of recycled blue jeans.  We registered for the Chilli Cook off.  For $2.00 we got to try a small cup, of 6 different Chillies—meat &  one vegetarian & vote for our favorite.  It was a good deal for me cuz Sheila gave me all the ones that were too spicy for her!  Then we listened to Richard Godfrey, a good C&W singer & watched some of the Can/Am games events, (teams of Canadians & Americans competing in assorted party type games such as blowing a ping-pong ball with a straw.  Sheila will go to watch the Water Volley Ball games  3-4 pm & I will get seats for the 4 PM entertainment @ Freddie’s Café. Canada swept all the Can/Am games events. There were 4 VB games 2 women’s & 2 men’s. Canada won all 4 games.  There are more Canadians staying here than Americans, (as in a lot of the southern RV Parks we have been in), so we have a good talent pool to draw on.  The music group, “2 Dollars Short” was scheduled from 4 to 7.  They said they don’t play anything newer than the 70’s which brought a cheer!  There were 2 men; one of them said he used to be in a blue grass group in Kelowna area. He was a very good player.  After, we came back up to the RV where Les was going to start a fire but it was cooling down a bit too much so we all, (8 of us) got into Kevin’s rig, (a class A), brought in a couple of folding chairs and had a good visit until 9 or so.

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