Sunday, February 26, 2017

Day 9 Feb 24 Friday

Today is Borrego Springs Day.  Sheila & I, Les & Dorothy & Kitty in Les’ truck, Kevin & Leslie, Sandy & Heather in another car headed out at 10 AM. We arrived at Borrego Springs, (on the west side of the Salton Sea, almost across from  FOY and approx 30 mi. inland) at about 11:30 and wandered into  a park at the beginning of town, with stands set up. It turned out to be a farmers market. Then we wandered into a metal sculpture outdoor shop to look at the creations. They were well done and considering the size and work required to make them not really expensive, (a 4 foot high well made elephant was around $600.00).  We then went for lunch at Carmelita’s Mex restaurant that was in a mall further along the hwy.  After lunch we wandered around the outdoor mall a bit. Then we headed up to the Visitor Centre south of town. There were lots of interesting displays and information on Anza/Borrega State Park.  We watched a movie on the changing seasons, wildlife and how they adapted to life in the desert where it rose to 124 F, (over 50 C), in summer & went down to freezing in winter.  We then took a drive to look at some life size, & some much bigger, metal sculptures around the area.  Some were prehistoric animals, some current animals.  All were welded pieces of metal.  They were done very realistically & were almost lifelike in their poses.  Our camera battery went dead in the middle so we have some but not all we saw.  Then we drove out of the park to the town of Westmorland at the south end of the Salton Sea where we all had a Date Shake.  Then off to El Centro to “Willy’s Donuts” for their end of day sale where you can buy a cake box full of donuts for $4.99.  You don’t know what's there will be until you get there. Today they only had boxes of Long Johns so we got one box to split with well over a dozen in it.  Then we headed home arriving back at the RV Park about 7:50.  A long, but fun, day.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

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