Sunday, September 11, 2011

Wednesdays journal - Blog out of order - I missed putting in Wed & mixed Wed pic under Tues journal, sorry for any confusion.

Wed Sep 7 Day 10
Sheila went off with Paul & Yvonne for a long hike, 7 ½ km & was to meet me at Old Faithfull around noon. After going down to the Grizzly & Wolf Discovery Centre to see the Wolf experience where they hid food & the wolves come out to find if. I drove to the Old Faithfull area. Rod & Vicki took their RV in so they had a place for the dog foxy and for Vicki to rest. I got to Old Faithfull just several minutes before it erupted. I then tried to contact Sheila on Paul’s phone but no luck. The only cell service in the park is around the visitor centre. So I left to go to the Black Sand Basin Ranger Walk about a mile away, (I drove to the parking lot). The Ranger led us over the board walk and gave out lots of interesting facts etc about each bubbling spring & pool as we past them. I find the ranger led walks preferable to just wandering about not really knowing what I am looking at. It was a ½ mile walk and took an hour to complete. We discovered that the boiling water from the pools is at around 204 F, (95 C), and that at this altitude, (6,000+ ft), water boils at 199 F, (92.7 C), so the water is super heated by the magma underground. Also we were found out that where the earths crust elsewhere is about 40 miles down to the magma layer, here it is 3 to 7 miles down only. Also that molten rock is called magma when underground & lava when it spews out of a volcano. I returned to the Old Faithfull area and saw the geyser go off again then Sheila showed up. We then walked for 15 minutes up to Castle Geyser for the next Ranger walk called Geyser Discovery Stroll. Some stroll, it went for 1½ hours and we later found out that from Old Faithfull area up to Castle Geyser, around the boardwalk & back to Old Faithfull was 3 miles, over 4½ kms. However, the Ranger was very interesting, with lots of information about the various thermal pools, springs, & geysers. We saw two of the geysers erupting. It was a long walk back to the car from the end of the Ranger walk. It was now about 5PM. We headed out and got back to town around 6. We went to the 3 Bears Restaurant for supper. Then we went over to the IMAX theatre for a movie deal. We saw Yellowstone & Amazing Caves for $13.00 & with our receipt we can see Lewis & Clark for $5.00 on another day. We finally arrive back at the RV around 8:30 or so. Chatted with Rod, Paul, Yvonne about Thursday plans then back to RV to try to catch up on the journal, etc.

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