Tuesday, January 30, 2018


Ignore my comment about the "&" symbol, apparently it dosent put the "amp" message in on the final copy that goes on the net, only on the proof copy before posting so no problem, sorry for any confusion.

Monday 29 January Day 11

It was nice & sunny and the gusty wind had stopped.  It was 68 F at 9:30 AM.  I phoned a repair place to have someone come to see about the propane leak and left a message to call me.  Sheila went up to WVB while I stayed to get a return phone message.  They called & are really busy but fortunately I had shut that line off back in Orange Grove before refilling the tank and it doesn’t affect the stove or regular furnace so it’s not an emergency situation.  They will call when they can be here so I can turn on the valve so they can see the leak.  We went up to the Taste of the Valley at the Dance Hall & Banquet room area running from 3:30 to 6:00.  It had merchants from all over Hemet that come to let people know they are out there & what they do.  Lots of restaurants were giving out food samples and lots of free pens at many of the places.  We didn’t need any supper after that.  I went to play crib, Sheila stayed to watch TV.  We play 5 rounds in partners with the losing side moving tables & the winners split to get new partners.  I won 4 of the 5 games but got an 87 on 1 game which was enough to push me out of winner range, it only cost a dollar so no big deal. Back to the RV to watch “The Good Doctor” on TV which turned out to be a repeat so we switched to a new “Scopion”.  Then to bed as we have to get up early as we are being picked up by Larry & Judy to go to the Breakfast Club Tuesday breakfast, this week at Seven Hill golf course for an 8:30 breakfast. Then we have to get back to GVP for the WVB starting at 10:00.  I tell you it’s a hectic life here!  

Monday, January 29, 2018

Sunday 28 January Day 10

We got up to a gusty windy day but nice & warm, suns out. Glad we rolled awning up.  After our breakfast we’re off to Water Volley Ball, henceforth to be referred to as WVB.  The gusty wind really affected the light beach balls we use so lots of misses but it was lots of fun as usual. After the game, hot tub and shower it’s back to the RV for lunch.  Then I have to crawl under the RV to see if I can find where the propane is leaking out of the auxiliary catalytic heater line that Les & I installed, (mostly Les, he has the expertise). Found it quite quickly, it was actually dripping from an elbow that directed the gas up through the floor boards into the RV.  It’s a steel elbow to a brass fitting.  I will phone a propane repair person tomorrow, they have several repair people who will come to the park & fix your RV on site.  Sheila went shopping in the afternoon after & I had a short rest, (nap?).  Then supper of the leftovers from yesterday and a cpl of pork chops.  Sunday night is bridge night so we are off to that after supper. Well, we had a fantastic night.  I could hardly believe our cards. We play 4 hands before changing tables, there were 5 tables playing and we went 5 rounds.  On 2 tables Sheila & I were able to make 2 complete games in the 4 hands. We came in first place and won $8.00, (anti is $1.00 each).  

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Sat 27 January Day 9

Up for water volleyball and in the pool by 10 AM.  Lovely & warm, clear blue sky.  After the game I went up to the patio area where Sweet Baby Jane’s BBQ was serving lunch.  A large plate of either Brisket or Pork BBQ, (or half & half), with beans cole-slaw & a bun for $9.00 and they had live music, going from 11:30 to 1:30.  We were still playing in the pools and when he did Sweet Caroline the pool sang along. Then back to the RV to rest before going out with Larry & Judy for supper. We went to Angie’s Diner where we went last year & they had a rib special that was awesome.  Well, no sign of the special on the window so when I asked the waitress she said they didn’t have it any more but would give us a seniors discount on the regular menu ribs. I had the half rack for $12.14 which included soup (2 choices), or salad plus baked potato with everything and a veggie and a dessert. And the half rack was 6 ribs that the meat almost fell off the bone.  After the large salad and all the ribs, and the tapioca pudding with whipped cream dessert I couldn’t even eat the potato or the veggie, (which were big pile of green beans so Sheila was happy to take them home). After supper we went back to Larry and Judy’s Park Model to play bridge then home for the night.  We took in the awning as a precaution due to some wind.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Friday 26 January Day 8

Cooler last night but the sun is out and it’s warming nicely and was up to 70 F by noon. I went up for the Water Volley Ball game to be there by 10 AM.  Sheila made it by around 11:30 more or less.  Then into the hot tub, shower and home for lunch of some leftover chicken.  After a rest in the RV we went up to the Fri afternoon wine &cheese get together park introduction.  We like to do it once or twice or so, (it’s every Friday), to keep up on any new happenings etc, and eat cheese. Then back to the RV to get some more rest before going to the Mocktails party on the patio.  They had live entertainer, nachos with toppings, mixer, BYOB.  I just drink the mixer.  It’s out on the patio near the pool and they have gas fireplaces going and gas heaters in case it gets a bit cool in the eve, it runs from 6 to 8. They had, to go on the nachos, 2 hot cheese sauces, one hot & one mild, plus a hot bean mix, cut up black olives, avocado paste, sliced jalapeños, assorted veggies cut up, and sour cream.  I might have missed one but it was all compliments of GVP.  To drink they had several pops and a lemonade mixture plus one decanter with orange juice in it spiked with rum, (Sheila said that it was left over from a recent ladies luncheon).  Sheila forced me to get up and dance despite her foot and I kept saying dancing will not help it cure. Back home to relax with some TV.

 Question & request for advice.  Whenever I type the "&" symbol  in word and post it to the blog it adds "amp" beside it. I know what amp means, it's an abbreviation for ampersand which is the name of the "&" symbol.
Do I have to stop using the symbol & in my blog?

Friday, January 26, 2018

Thursday 25 January Day 7

Up to a slightly cooler day, it was 57 F at 8:30 & 64 F at 12:30; still, with the sun it was pleasant in the pools.  After Volleyball back to the rig for lunch and then it is Emelio’s Happy Hour Day starting at 3PM.  Margarita’s blended or on the rocks for $3.50 plus the complimentary Mexican appetizers, a choice of 3 types plus nacho’s with dip.  It runs every Thursday and usually a large contingent of the GVP Volleyball crowd is there.  After that we went to Wal-Mart to get some better shoes than my slippers for walking up to the pool; it’s a nuisance putting on socks to ware my street shoes up & back, plus the ones I got can be worn in the water as well. They don’t seem to sell the “crocks” plastic shoes anymore but I got another pair that I can use in the water if I want and will save the wear & tear in my RV indoor slippers. Tonight is Mexican Train Night so off we go.  They had a big group, 9 tables of 6.  We played our 3 games, me and Sheila came in top 2 on one so we each got our quarter back, (everyone puts in a quarter and 1st & 2nd on each of the 3 games wins a quarter). Back to the RV to catch a cpl of our shows on TV, we missed one that started at 9:00 but they are all recording at home anyway. 

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Wednesday 24 January Day 6

We woke to a nice sunny day, a bit cool, but clear blue sky and sun. The thermometer I hung outside last night was reading 60 F at 10 AM but it was nice & warm, (the low humidity really works). I had a good Water Volleyball game and Sheila showed up about ½ way through.  She managed OK and said that it helped with her Planter Faciatis to stand on one foot periodically which is easy in 4 feet of water.  She did find the medium hot tub a little hot on her leg so will try the slightly cooler one tomorrow.  After lunch we went to Winco for groceries then I dropped Sheila to start a wash at the RV Park Laundromat. On arrival back at the RV the outside thermometer, which I had hung outside the RV in the shade, was reading 72 F.  Then it’s a Winco hot BBQ chicken for supper, however Sheila got tied up with the laundry so it was a bit of a late supper.   
Last night I tried to get the Cable TV to work but we just got blurry pictures and I don’t know what is wrong or what I have or haven’t done right. 

This morning I asked one of the maintenance people and he thought that I still had the antenna amplifier on. News to me that we had one, but I looked around and found a mysterious box in the storage bin over the dashboard passenger side, on it were 2 buttons.  The small red light on the box was on, I pushed one button and the light went out.  I then tried the TV and all is well, clear picture on all the cable channels.  That also explains why sometimes I got good reception and sometimes I didn’t. The LA TV weather forecast shows tomorrow as being cooler, down to 60 F but by the weekend they are forecasting 80+ F temps.    

Tuesday 23 January Day 5

We got up to a cold RV, it seems like there is a leak somewhere or some gas appliance was on a lot because all our propane is gone.  Fortunately we have our little electric heater plus it is a clear sunny day. The plot for today is to wash the car, pick a bunch of oranges, (it’s called Orange Grove RV Park for a reason – oranges galore, help yourself, & that’s in addition to free coffee and donuts in the office).  Also I took the RV to their Propane tank area to get the propane tank refilled. It took 14.3 USG and was totally empty.  We got everything done and pulled out headed for GVP at 11:45.  There is a Pilot station we always go to at the junction of Hwy 395 & 215, the price is good, (for Calif), and we can get a lunch snack.  There is also a road opposite the entrance with very wide levelish dirt side areas to park.  We pulled in at 2:15, gassed up 56.6 USG for $167.00 ($2.94 per Gallon), had our lunch & out at 2:50.  We got to GVP by 4:20 at 49227 miles. 
As soon as we got backed into our spot Sheila took of to get her nails done – fingers & toes – they are really good manicurists here & the price is half what she would pay at home.  I had a shower in the RV and got busy catching up on emails, blogs, and the daily diary now that I have the computer on power & WiFi.  I’m quite tired from all the driving so it’ll be an early evening to prepare for Water Volley Ball in the morning.
I will keep an eye on the gas and run each of our 4 gas burners, (fridge, hot water, auxiliary propane heater, and furnace), individually to see if we can find out which one is malfunctioning then I will call for a mobile repair truck. 

195 miles covered, 4 hrs on the road

Monday January 22 Day 4

We pulled out of Willows at 9 AM then a gas & food stop at 48777 from 1:00 to 1:40. Other than the gas stop, I drove non-stop to Orange Grove RV Park.  We arrived at 3:45 @ 49032.  A cpl of times when I was passing a line of 4 or 5 big trucks I proved the bit about the max speed for the RV is 75 mph is correct because a governor cut in to keep it at 75 mph, no faster.   We got our free donuts & coffee (me) and parked in a power/water spot, (slightly cheaper that a full service & we don’t need the extras for one night). Then we took the RV up to the washing area to de-grunge it a bit.  Back to our spot for supper & set up Sheila with the TV, (no cable just put the antenna up & got good clear picture on several channels), while I try to catch up on my journal, blog, expenses and clearing the email files.

372 miles covered, 6 hrs 5 min on the road

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Sunday January 21 Day 3

We pulled out of Seven Feathers @ 10:20 @ 48365. A gas top up as we are approaching Calif., (higher gas prices), at 11:35 @ 48432 & back on hwy  @ 11:50 then 10 mins down the road a stop at Fred Myers to get my annual phone card, (no tax in Oregon), In at 12:00, had lunch and Sheila got a Starbucks Chi Tea, total $11.92, and back on the hwy by 1:00 heading for the Siskiyou pass.  We hit the summit by 1:25, 4310 ft, and then the Calif border at 1:30, then exit 783 CA, so CA is almost 800 miles top to bottom. As we went down into CA we started to get mixed snow & rain then all snow, the outside temp was 31 F, freezing! It was starting to build up on the window but blew off due to our speed and the wet windshield. The snow continued for 70 miles inside Calif. Before abruptly stopping and then the temp went up within a few miles we were into the 40’s then 51 F. Weird weather. Arrived Willows and parked at Nancy’s Airport Café at 5 PM at 48659 miles. We had a very nice supper and brought some home even.  Their seniors menu is more than we can finish and the price is right at around $10.00 for the main meal complete with potatoes, vegetables plus a salad bar and dessert and a beverage.  For a dollar they will split a meal onto 2 plates, we may try that one day.  Back at the RV we started the Gen so we could se if there was anything on TV.  We watched one show – 60 minutes – that was about the author of “The Spy who came in from the Cold” and “Tinker, Tailor, Sailor, Spy” and other novels.  He was an operative with MI6, Britain’s spy agency so his writing is accurate.  Then we turned in as we need to get an early start tomorrow, i.e. on the road before 10 AM.

294 miles covered, 5hrs 25 min on the road

Monday, January 22, 2018

Saturday 20 January Day 2

We are still getting off & on rain showers in the morning. Got up early, (after 8:30), had my coffee while I tried to figure out why the power was not on, discovered a popped breaker, reset it, and the A/C came on in the bedroom. I turned it off.  Sheila had thought she was setting the heat but the bedroom unit only controls the rear A/C.  It blew out as we were running several lights, the electric heater; Sheila probably had the regular furnace on as well and maybe warmed tea in the microwave, a bit too much on the circuit.  After she was up & had her breakfast etc etc it’s off to the Safeway to get stuff we couldn’t bring across the border, away Elks 10:00 @ 48108 and finally out Safeway at 1:10. Away southbound down Hwy 5.  Flying J gas stop @ 48178 @ 12:30, split a 12 inch sub for lunch & out 1:20. Change to Sheila driving at @ 2:00 to 3:20.  Into Seven Feathers Casino parking lot, (we skipped the RV park to save the money, but I miss the hot tub), at 5:10 @ 48365. We planned to go further but light was fading & I had enough of driving the RV towing a car when all I can see are headlights around me.  It’s very hard to judge how far behind me they are when I need to change lanes.  With the car we are probably over 50 feet, (that’s about 17/18 meters or more), Sheila went to the casino while I puttered around in the RV and got supper a bit prepared.  Sheila may go back to the casino but I’m tired.  We are running the generator to use the microwave for supper & to power the computer as the computer battery is shot & it dies after ½ and hour.   

257 miles today, 5 hrs 10 min driving time

Friday, January 19, 2018

Friday 19 January, Day 1

The fridge board arrived at West Coast RV and "B" had it installed and we are set to go. Out at 11:15 & off to Golden Ears Bridge. Then just east of Harris road there was am accident back up. Just before the bridge entrance a car had gone off the road and was in the ditch, another car was on the side of the road with front end damage so it looks like someone changed lanes or severed & hit the other car forcing it off the road.  Ambulance was there so likely some injuries.  About a 10 minute delay. Arrived at the border at 12:45 at 47870.2 miles, (note all distances will be in miles). Clear border at 1:15. Smooth going until around Everett then solid traffic and a slow crawl, (at around 10 to 20 MPH),  through Seattle on interstate 5. The traffic stayed thick and slow all the way through Tacoma, Olympia, and past Fort Stevens.  We stopped for a tea break 5:45 to 6:15 as we weren't going to make Kelso for supper or in day light. Finally into the Elks RV park at 7:45 at 48108 miles.  It was not a fun drive with the heavy traffic plus off & on rain and the clouds making it like evening even at 2:30 in the afternoon.  Had a light supper in the rig and the over to the Elks for their WiFi. No problem getting on the computer remembered the confection from last year.

covered 238 miles from the border in 7 hrs 10 mins less the break of 30 mins so 6 hrs 40 mins on the road. 

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Day 0 + 1 Thursday Jan 18, still at home

After the sleepover crew left I went down to the RV to start up the fridge and stow a cpl of things.  Couldn't get the fridge to go, also the gas to the stove was very restricted and would go out after a minute or so.  I phoned "B" at West Coast and took the RV over.  He discovered that the control panel was not working properly so ordered a new one, in Fri AM. Hopefully we can go there with the RV & the car & head south as soon as the RV is ready. By the way after the drive to West Coast RV the stove works fine.  "B" thought is was a blockage when I talked to him on the phone & I guess there was & it cleared driving there. So now we wait again.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Day 0 Wednesday 17 Jan 2018

2018, A new year & a new trip. Getting ready to go.  I picked up the RV from West Coast RV ready to go and parked it in the cul de sac on the level section of the street.  Hopefully we can load and depart tomorrow sometime. Being a shorter trip this year we don't have as much to pack.