Saturday, January 27, 2018

Friday 26 January Day 8

Cooler last night but the sun is out and it’s warming nicely and was up to 70 F by noon. I went up for the Water Volley Ball game to be there by 10 AM.  Sheila made it by around 11:30 more or less.  Then into the hot tub, shower and home for lunch of some leftover chicken.  After a rest in the RV we went up to the Fri afternoon wine &cheese get together park introduction.  We like to do it once or twice or so, (it’s every Friday), to keep up on any new happenings etc, and eat cheese. Then back to the RV to get some more rest before going to the Mocktails party on the patio.  They had live entertainer, nachos with toppings, mixer, BYOB.  I just drink the mixer.  It’s out on the patio near the pool and they have gas fireplaces going and gas heaters in case it gets a bit cool in the eve, it runs from 6 to 8. They had, to go on the nachos, 2 hot cheese sauces, one hot & one mild, plus a hot bean mix, cut up black olives, avocado paste, sliced jalapeños, assorted veggies cut up, and sour cream.  I might have missed one but it was all compliments of GVP.  To drink they had several pops and a lemonade mixture plus one decanter with orange juice in it spiked with rum, (Sheila said that it was left over from a recent ladies luncheon).  Sheila forced me to get up and dance despite her foot and I kept saying dancing will not help it cure. Back home to relax with some TV.

 Question & request for advice.  Whenever I type the "&" symbol  in word and post it to the blog it adds "amp" beside it. I know what amp means, it's an abbreviation for ampersand which is the name of the "&" symbol.
Do I have to stop using the symbol & in my blog?

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