Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Wednesday 24 January Day 6

We woke to a nice sunny day, a bit cool, but clear blue sky and sun. The thermometer I hung outside last night was reading 60 F at 10 AM but it was nice & warm, (the low humidity really works). I had a good Water Volleyball game and Sheila showed up about ½ way through.  She managed OK and said that it helped with her Planter Faciatis to stand on one foot periodically which is easy in 4 feet of water.  She did find the medium hot tub a little hot on her leg so will try the slightly cooler one tomorrow.  After lunch we went to Winco for groceries then I dropped Sheila to start a wash at the RV Park Laundromat. On arrival back at the RV the outside thermometer, which I had hung outside the RV in the shade, was reading 72 F.  Then it’s a Winco hot BBQ chicken for supper, however Sheila got tied up with the laundry so it was a bit of a late supper.   
Last night I tried to get the Cable TV to work but we just got blurry pictures and I don’t know what is wrong or what I have or haven’t done right. 

This morning I asked one of the maintenance people and he thought that I still had the antenna amplifier on. News to me that we had one, but I looked around and found a mysterious box in the storage bin over the dashboard passenger side, on it were 2 buttons.  The small red light on the box was on, I pushed one button and the light went out.  I then tried the TV and all is well, clear picture on all the cable channels.  That also explains why sometimes I got good reception and sometimes I didn’t. The LA TV weather forecast shows tomorrow as being cooler, down to 60 F but by the weekend they are forecasting 80+ F temps.    

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