Friday, January 26, 2018

Thursday 25 January Day 7

Up to a slightly cooler day, it was 57 F at 8:30 & 64 F at 12:30; still, with the sun it was pleasant in the pools.  After Volleyball back to the rig for lunch and then it is Emelio’s Happy Hour Day starting at 3PM.  Margarita’s blended or on the rocks for $3.50 plus the complimentary Mexican appetizers, a choice of 3 types plus nacho’s with dip.  It runs every Thursday and usually a large contingent of the GVP Volleyball crowd is there.  After that we went to Wal-Mart to get some better shoes than my slippers for walking up to the pool; it’s a nuisance putting on socks to ware my street shoes up & back, plus the ones I got can be worn in the water as well. They don’t seem to sell the “crocks” plastic shoes anymore but I got another pair that I can use in the water if I want and will save the wear & tear in my RV indoor slippers. Tonight is Mexican Train Night so off we go.  They had a big group, 9 tables of 6.  We played our 3 games, me and Sheila came in top 2 on one so we each got our quarter back, (everyone puts in a quarter and 1st & 2nd on each of the 3 games wins a quarter). Back to the RV to catch a cpl of our shows on TV, we missed one that started at 9:00 but they are all recording at home anyway. 

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