Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Monday 29 January Day 11

It was nice & sunny and the gusty wind had stopped.  It was 68 F at 9:30 AM.  I phoned a repair place to have someone come to see about the propane leak and left a message to call me.  Sheila went up to WVB while I stayed to get a return phone message.  They called & are really busy but fortunately I had shut that line off back in Orange Grove before refilling the tank and it doesn’t affect the stove or regular furnace so it’s not an emergency situation.  They will call when they can be here so I can turn on the valve so they can see the leak.  We went up to the Taste of the Valley at the Dance Hall & Banquet room area running from 3:30 to 6:00.  It had merchants from all over Hemet that come to let people know they are out there & what they do.  Lots of restaurants were giving out food samples and lots of free pens at many of the places.  We didn’t need any supper after that.  I went to play crib, Sheila stayed to watch TV.  We play 5 rounds in partners with the losing side moving tables & the winners split to get new partners.  I won 4 of the 5 games but got an 87 on 1 game which was enough to push me out of winner range, it only cost a dollar so no big deal. Back to the RV to watch “The Good Doctor” on TV which turned out to be a repeat so we switched to a new “Scopion”.  Then to bed as we have to get up early as we are being picked up by Larry & Judy to go to the Breakfast Club Tuesday breakfast, this week at Seven Hill golf course for an 8:30 breakfast. Then we have to get back to GVP for the WVB starting at 10:00.  I tell you it’s a hectic life here!  

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