Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day 78 Fri Mar 30 VDO temps 8:30AM 70 F (21C), 10AM 78F (25.5C), 3PM 90F (32C) *VDO = Val Del Oro

Sheila left early to go to an on-site TOPS Meeting & then to water exercises. She returned & left for a nail appointment at 10:30. I turned on the A/C & left it running all day set to cool to about 75F (23C). I went up to the clubhouse to upload to the blog & check emails etc. When I came out I saw a sign for “Taco Salad Friday” so I went over to the ballroom where the kitchen is and got a nice big taco shell filled to the brim with taco salad ingredients – lettuce, ground beef, onions, tomatoes, guacamole, shredded cheese, & salad dressing, a good deal for $5.50. Back at the RV we got ready for the Hawaiian Sunset Pool Party with dinner at 5 PM. Sheila is making the frozen berries in cool whip, lemon pie filling and vanilla yogurt dessert for our pot luck dish. She put it in the fridge to keep cool as it was 85 to 90 F outside. I went over about 3:30 PM to save a space at a table as the area was already filling up. I forgot the camera so went back and then waited & drove up with Sheila so she had the car to quickly go back & get the dessert when dinner time came. About 4:50 I reminded her & she shot out to go get the dessert. She returned about 5:20, I already had my meal & the line up at the food table was l-o-n-g. Turns out she had to mix in the Cool Whip & frozen berries & it took longer than expected. However there was lots of food & after everyone had gone through there was still lots of food left. It was a great selection, one large plate & I was full so I only had 3 pieces of dessert plus a cookie! Sheila bought one of the Tiki Hut special drinks plus had 2 glasses of the free wine. They had a group playing and they were quite good. The entertainment was Hawaiian & Tahitian dancing plus a fire dancer. By now it was getting dark so it was hard to see the dancing plus we were a ways away from the dancers at the end of the pool on the patio. They were OK but I’ve seen better. It all ended a bit before 8 PM. In talking to people at the party we found out that the swimming pool is heated to 94F (34.5C), the lap pool is a bit cooler, probably in the high 80’s. We had some of our dessert left to bring home.

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