Sunday, April 8, 2012

Day 86 Sat Apr 7 clear, sunny, forecast high 76F (24.4C)

Slept in again, Vegas is tiring! This morning it’s the Saturday Champagne Brunch, ($9.99 with our Sam’s Town card). We had a great meal; the Champagne & OJ is refillable forever, which is really great!? – I don’t drink & Sheila doesn’t like the dry champagnes they serve, however she did manage to almost finish two 5 or 6 oz glasses of it.
We periodically hear people at home, usually RV’ers, saying things cost more in the US. I don’t bother correcting them but for next time I hear that, I’m going to try to remember the wine/beer price list from Sam’s Town Fireside Buffet: wine – glass $2.00, Carafe $4.00, beer was the same for glass & $4.00 for a pitcher. The only thing I have found pricier here is pop, it generally is around $5.00 a doz.
We are off into Vegas for the 4 PM Nathan Burton Comedy Magic show at the Flamingo and then some wandering around the strip. The show was amazing; he did illusions so fast it was unbelievable. He’d show a transparent box, and then quickly pull a cover up & immediately down and something either appeared or disappeared within it in only fractions of a second! I met him after the show and told him that what really amazed me was the speed at which he did stuff. He replied, “lots & lots of practice”. Getting to his show was a minor problem. The Flamingo lot was full so after going up and down 7 or 8 floors I dropped Sheila off so she could make the start of the show. I headed into traffic, got into Billy’s Casino next door, went all the way to the roof to find a spot. I got into the show room just before Lance Burton came on. The people at the door said that they had lost one parking lot due to construction, anyway I made it OK. After we wandered around the strip a bit, Sheila got a $1.00 frozen Margarita and we watched the “Dealertainers” again at the Imperial Palace. The guy doing Michael Jackson really had his moves ‘down pat’. Enroute home, we stopped for supper at a Blueberry Hill Family Restaurant. They have an $8.49 special dinner menu with about 8 choices. The $8.49 includes your beverage, homemade soup or salad & a homemade dessert of your choice. The food was really good, and the portions so large, we ended up bringing about half of it home. We were home around 9:30, tired & stuffed!
Sheila thinks that the strip is just too crowded to be fun on Easter weekend. The parking lots are too full, and the sidewalks & casinos are so crowded you can hardly move! We watched the Fountain Show at the Bellagio from this vantage point 7 floors up in a parking lot for a few minutes, (not as good when you can’t hear the music). Sheila noted that the people on LV Blvd look like ants streaming out of an anthill!

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