Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day 79 Sat Mar 31 VDO Temps 9AM 74F (23C), 1:30PM 90F (32C), 4:30PM 92F (33C)

Temp going up today to around 90 so as of 10 AM we have the RV A/C going. Phoned Sam’s Town Casino in Vegas & booked our 3 nights for 2 deal from the coupon we picked up at “The Rally” in Phoenix. After lunch in the RV we headed out to see “The Duttons” at their own theatre in East Valley High School. They put on a marvellous show, makes us want to see them in Branson even more. The young people we saw many years ago at the PNE are now adults with families of their own, some of whom are performing with them. One neat technology development that I discovered there was that “I-Phones” have an app where you can use them as a credit card charge machine by just entering the numbers on the phone screen keypad, and they even have an electronic pen to sign on the screen with. I was amazed. When we left the theatre I had to get cash so asked GPS for nearest bank & got one ½ mile away. It was a Chase branch and it did not charge me anything to take out money. I had run short of cash because a Wells Fargo ATM in a grocery store wanted $5.00 per transaction and the ATM here at the VDO would only dispense $200.00 and wanted $2.50 for a service charge, so the no-charge at the Chase Branch was a nice surprise. Driving back about 4:30 PM the car dashboard said it was 33C, at the RV, the outside thermometer said 92 so they are in sync. After getting home we changed & went up to the pool for a dip before the dance tonight stating at 7. We went in sometime after 8 & found a seat. It was quite crowded, most tables were full but it is a huge room so there was always room on the dance floor. The group that was playing, “Junction 86”, is very popular wherever they play according to a couple we sat across from. And they were good, they didn’t play too loud to be able to have a conversation and their music selections were great.

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