Sunday, April 8, 2012

Day 82 Tues. Apr. 3 VDO temps, 9:15 AM 65F (18C), 11 AM 70F (21C), 2 PM 80F (26.5C), 5 PM 78F (25.5C)

A quiet morning in the RV doing some prep for leaving tomorrow, (dump tanks etc). Since I’d taken the screen off the rear Fantastic Fan vent in order to replace it with one with clips that is a lot easier to remove & replace, (for cleaning), than the old one with its 8 screws; Sheila decided to clean the blades & the area around them. Unfortunately she couldn’t reach the dirt on the vent cover above the blades.
No breeze at all today. After lunch we went up to the pool for our last water volleyball game. Then I relaxed on a comfy cabana lounge in the sun while Sheila did lengths in the lap pool. Back to the RV to change & head out to a local Red Lobster--it is Lobster Fest time! They have a lobster bisque soup that is thicker than the Boathouse’s but every bit as good. And they have it year round not like the Boathouse that only has it at Lobster Fest time. All we had was the lobster meal and a shared bowl of lobster bisque & we were both stuffed--no room for dessert! We returned to the RV for a quiet evening of TV before tomorrow’s pack up & leave routine. Earlier today Sheila asked about monthly rates here--a month is $675 + tax = $686.11, plus electricity @ 0.11 /KW, (at GVP it was about $25 a month), plus a City of Mesa trash & recycling pickup charge of $29.65. It adds up to more than GVP by over $100.00.

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