Thursday, April 12, 2012

Day 90 Wed Apr 11 started sunny, warm, ended cloudy & very windy

We pulled out of the Elks Lodge lot @ 10:50 AM @ 151178 km. We pulled off the hwy for a lunch & gas stop 7 miles short of the Idaho state line @ 1:25 PM. Filled gas up @ 151419 km, had lunch and onwards into the wind at 2:45 PM. The wind has been picking up all day and is now quite strong by mid afternoon. Sometimes it is a head wind & sometimes a side wind which is hard to drive against as it really buffets the RV at times. We arrived at Country RV Village in Hayburn, Idaho at 4 PM @ 151536. The lady in the office said they’ve been getting 40 mph winds & 50 mph gusts. Around 5 PM I got on the internet & the forecast for the evening in Hayburn is 31 mph going down to 24 mph by mid evening. It is also clouding over with showers forecast for later. I guess we are leaving the great sunny weather behind us. I put up the TV antenna, (no cable here), and got several digital stations really clear so we watched our Wednesday shows – Criminal Minds & CSI. Later in the evening while Sheila watched the Dancing with the Stars results show on the laptop the rain showers did arrive. However, the wind did drop so we weren’t sleeping in a rocking RV.

1 comment:

  1. If the RV's a-rocking, don't come a-knocking? =P
    Seriously, though, there's no danger of the RV being pushed out of your lane while you're driving, right? And you guys are both buckled up during the windy drives?
