Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day 81 Apr 2 Temps @ VDO 9AM 62F, about 72F (22C) in the afternoon and a bit windy (10 to 15 mph) – not a problem for the awning.

Sheila went out shopping in the late morning while I puttered around in the RV. At a CVS Pharmacy Sheila found Coke Zero, 4 doz for $10.00--finally a reasonable price! That’s about the only thing down here that is more expensive than at home. Then about noon I went to the pool for the noon water volleyball game, that’s when the better players play a more serious game, i.e. not as much fun. They played till 1:45. After the game I got one of the Cabana recliner lounges and sat in the sun. They are really comfortable. Then about 3 PM they started the second volleyball game so I joined in that one too, Sheila arrived a bit after we started & joined in. We played till 4 PM. After the game one of the double Cabana lounges was free so we got it. With the nice soft mattress and the reclining back they are great to lie on, you could easily take a nap on one. They have drapes you can draw to shield out the sun, or get privacy, after all this is an “active” 55+ resort. However, since none of the curtains were closed no one was availing themselves of the "opportunity".
Back at the RV we made supper & Sheila will watch D. w. S. and after that we’ll both watch Castle. Then Sheila wanted to vote on-line at D.w.S. but we couldn’t get a WiFi connection at the site so she went up to the clubhouse to get on line.

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