Sunday, January 27, 2013

Jan 25 Day 16 overcast, clear for a while then clouds & showers but not cold

We went down for the noon water volleyball game, to check email & get produce. Played in the pool noon to 1:00 and then soaked in the mineral hot tub.  Sheila found it cool playing & was ducking underwater frequently.  The hot springs keep the pool nice & warm.   Then we bought tickets for the Yodeller show on Sunday, (he does several different styles – we didn’t even know there were different yodelling styles)!  Back at the RV and it started to lightly sprinkle, but rain here is different, the drops are quite widely spaced so you sometimes don’t notice it is actually raining.  We invited Les & Dorothy for dinner & made a Scampi Primavera using a Sidekicks noodle pkg as a base.   After supper we played Hand & Foot and the girls won - - again!! With the cloud cover I’m not getting a large charge from the solar panel, so I decided to run the generator so we could run lots of lights for supper prep, clean up & the game.  I started it around 2 or 3 & shut it down at 9 before it run out of gas.  Sheila said it rained hard around midnight and was still raining hard when she went to bed an hour later

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