Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Jan 27 Sun Day 18 Lots of sun, a little cloud warming nicely

Although we haven’t had a lot of hot sun the last 3 days, the weather has been quite mild.  It drops to around 12 or 14 C at night & warms fast when the sun comes up so we don’t need to start the furnace in the morning most days or maybe only run it for 5 mins.  After a leisurely start we packed our computer & the swim gear down to the pool area. Sheila doesn’t want to take chances and play in the pool so she sat in the sun writing a letter to a friend. After my volley ballgame I sat in the mineral hot tub then in the sun.  The hot mineral water does seem to be making my back feel better but who knows.  Sheila “discovered” that Freddy’s café has an afternoon special roasted pork loin dinner on Sundays, so that’s lunch/supper, (we had it about 2 PM).  We sat in Freddy’s working on the computer, (journal etc.), until the wind came up & it got quite cool, so we returned to the RV.  Sheila immediately iced her knee which had gotten quite sore from all the sitting she’d done.   Tonight was the Yodeler show. His name is Kerry Christensen and the show was great.  He plays accordion, (he has two), zither, & alpen horn.  He can also do a mouth trumpet that really sounds like a real trumpet, all this and he yodels in many styles. He was trained by his mother to sing opera and has a great voice range.  It was a great show, lots of variety.  We bought one of his many CD’s.

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