Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Jan 29 Tues Day 20 clear & sunny, warm

Sheila’s knee is slowly getting better so I won’t have to get her a walker after all. But I am laying down the law about when & where she can walk.  We spent the morning relaxing around the RV and went down to the pool/café area a bit before noon.  Sheila didn’t make it down in time to try the water Zumba class and I didn’t remind her about it or encourage her to get going to make it there.  She did play water volleyball but was smart & spent a lot of time just standing on one leg more or less so when she moved to get a ball she was always pushing off on her good leg.  After the game, (noon to 1PM), we went hot tubbing.  Talking to a resident in the hot tub they said that this year they have had a harsh winter with much colder temperatures.  A lot of day time highs are only in the mid & upper 60’sF (that’s around 18/19C I think). However 65F here feels a lot warmer than at home due to the much lower humidity, at home it feels cold & damp, here it is dry, the sun is usually out and it feels pleasant. We had a late lunch at Freddy’s café.  They make really good dishes; we had a chicken parmesan burger and a swiss mushroom burger with fried onions and some sweet potato fries, all of which we split.  We did our internet stuff and then back to the RV.  This eve we went to the TNT event at the hall.  TNT is Tuesday Night Talent and park residents perform.  They were quite entertaining; with the large number of people here they do have some talented ones.  There are over 700 full service sites and more than 200 sites in the dry camping area, (where we are).  After the show we went over to Les & Dorothy’s 5th wheel for a game of Hand & Foot.  Les & I won but it was a very close game.

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