Sunday, January 27, 2013

Jan 26 Day 17 overcast, sun breaking through, nice & warm for sitting outside.

I wandered down to the rec. hall where Les & Dorothy were seeing about the Hand & Foot game but it wasn’t on, no one showed up.  I came back to the RV to help Sheila load laundry and get gear for water volleyball at noon.  We had a good game, there were 9 a side so we got lots of good rallies, and Sheila made some great shots.  After we finished laundry we had a late nice lunch at Freddy’s CafĂ©. We each had a grilled veggie sandwich that was amazingly good.  Finally at home, Sheila went on the roof to clean off the solar panel & I refilled the generator gas tank. I ran gen for 2 or 3 hours till we went to the Sat. eve dance. The dance was advertised as a TOGA dance with music videos & special effects lights.  It was mostly fine but I definitely did not like the way they did the music videos in that they ran one into another with no pause or anything.  They played the videos on a large movie type screen but they were still hard to decipher.  All was going well until Sheila got too enthusiastic dancing with a group of ladies to some unknown, (to me), 60’s/70’s fast number about a guy called Rasputin.  She was trying to follow the dancing figure on the screen, (good ole Ras), and, in her own words: “suddenly felt a sharp pain in my left knee and my left leg collapsed under me.  I managed not to fall, (as that would have been very embarrassing), by shifting my weight to my right leg and grabbing for the front of the stage about 4 ft. away.”  She stood there for a few minutes until the pain mostly subsided, then motioned for me to come over and rescue her, which I did by ‘slow-dancing her off the floor.  Fortunately by then the music had changed to a slow shuffle so we weren’t too obvious.   I had to go get the car to ferry her back to the RV, (about the equivalent of a bit over a block’s walk uphill).  Back at the RV she is icing it and resting.  She thinks she may have re-strained it.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no, Sheila! I thought you were supposed to give it 3 weeks to heal! Don't make me get Bren to get you a walker...
