Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Jan 28 Mon Day 19 bright sun in AM then some cloud & shade in mid afternoon

Sheila’s knee still a bit sore so she continues to ice & wrap it. She went over about 11:30 to check out the Zoomba class for future reference; the ladies there said Sheila might like the water Zoomba as it is less stress. Sheila stayed at the RV to putter around to do cleaning etc jobs. I went to the noon water volleyball game followed by the mineral hot tub, sit in the sun and then home for lunch. We were low on water by now so we drove over to the dump station and water filler a couple 100 yards down the road.  Back at the RV we are making a fruit salad for supper with Les & Dorothy; he is BBQing some Moose steaks he has been marinating all day.  He said he has a nice thick one for me – my reputation precedes me – yaa!  After a nice supper in their rig we went down to the Rec Hall to play shuffleboard.  There were free tables so Les & I took on Sheila & Dorothy.  After the guys ignominious losses at Hand & Foot we had to win something!  We did, Les & I won both games.  Back to the RV by 9PM for the night.


  1. How were the moose steaks? Is Sheila's knee getting any better?

    1. steaks were good, you would think they were beef if you didn't know & Yes, slowly her knee is getting better.
      PS I don't know where this reply goes to when I push publish, guess I'll find out when I check the blog
