Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Wed. Jan 30 sunny & warm, no cloud or wind.  Temp. up to 20 C/ 68 F by noon.

Les & Dorothy packed up & pulled out today. Yesterday I checked all our tires & battery water level for the house batteries.  We went down for water volleyball, hot tub & sun.  Sheila went up to the Line dancing program under strict orders to not do anything that involved turning & twisting.  Not a problem since the Line Dancing class was cancelled because they were setting up for the Casino tonight.  Sheila used the time to ice her knee which is a bit sorer today than yesterday.  I went over to Freddy’s to do our last email check from here.  Tonight’s  Casino Night starts at 6:30 pm.  Your admission ticket gives you a bunch of play money, ($3,800 each) for the games and/or to buy trinkets & stuff at their “Country store”.  They had food service—pizza, pie, ice cream & beverages which is a real money deal & ongoing entertainment that was reasonable. The pie & ice cream for $2.00 was really good.   We played Blackjack and Crown & Anchor with their casino play money and won $1800.  They had what they called the country store where you could buy stuff with the casino money.   In the “store” we bought a CD by Kerry Christensen, (the entertainer from Sun. night). It was one I had wanted to buy but didn’t.  His CD’s were all $10.00 each at the concert. We also got a platter of Almond Bark chocolate, about 2 lbs, a nice new recipe box,(cardboard but appears new) for Sheila and 2 books “Dadisms” and “Dadgummit” which are humorous books about things that Dads say & what they actually mean. For example, “I’m not talking to hear my own voice” - - This is Dad articulating his frustration over the fact that nobody in the house seems to be listening to him. - - Kids should never reply with “Huh?”   
We had a fun evening although I find playing blackjack for play money not as much of a thrill as for real money, although it’s cheaper; but Sheila enjoyed it & made money, as well.  The gambling ended at 9:00, & we were back to the RV a bit before 10 pm.  For the $15.00 admission for us both we came away with more than $15.00 in merchandise so it was a winning night all round, had fun and got goodies.

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