Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Fri Feb 1   sunny & hot- temps in mid to high 70’s (24-26C)

After the $2.50 breakfast special in the casino we pulled out @ 10:30 @ 157327.  We headed westward on I 10 to Hemet & Golden Village Palms arriving by 11:35 am @ 157431. We checked in and got Pad # 480 next to Larry & Judy Shaffer.  We went to the Palms’ Cabana where Larry Stevens was playing and they had Baby Jane’s BBQ doing ribs. We split a large plate of ribs with coleslaw on the side ($10:00).  Then we went off to buy stuff we forgot to bring, like my sandals.  We got a hot roast chicken for supper from Wal-Mart, $5.48 for 1 lb 13 ounces, (822 grams), I think that’s a lot cheaper than hot roasted chicken from Safeway at home.  Spent the evening checking out TV channel availability and all the info on activities we got at check-in. Sheila ran amok watching reruns of Raymond, King of Queens, Golden Girls and ???, on the TVland channel that plays old sitcoms. 

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