Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Sat Feb 2   cloudy & overcast, but nice & warm – 24 C/75+F, no wind

I got up, had some breakfast (coffee), & went up for Water Volleyball. Sheila is going to start V.Ball late until she sees how her knee takes to the game.  She is wearing her slip-on neoprene knee brace.  Today she only played from 11:25 to noon & iced it shortly after the game.  She said it was OK and is looking forward to playing longer tomorrow. Today we had stuff to do despite the fact the Angela was singing and Baby Jane’s BBQ was there so after a hot tub session we didn’t stay for the music & food.  They had a car show today so there were a lot of neat fully restored cars, plus the Hemet police were there with an antique patrol car and their SWAT team vehicle & equipment, (the body of the SWAT truck will stop a 50 calibre slug)!  They were fundraising for the canine unit dog training.  A trained dog costs $15,000!  The Ladies Golf Club also had a fund raiser bake sale in the morning, Sheila got 2 or 3 items near the end of the sale at half price.

We had lunch in the RV, and then I drove Sheila to the nail place in the mall across the road to get a pedicure.  She was glad she’d waited till we got here to get one as it costs $12 compared with $18 in Indio & $30 at home.  I ran some errands & got an air can to clean the keyboard which has started to falter, probably because of the dust it picked up using it at the out door hot-spot at FOY so much. Back ‘home’, we moved the RV a foot to the left to give me more room between the bushes & the drivers side and I put up our awning. Then it was supper time after which we are going to check out the performer, (Dave Ambrose) for this Saturday’s dance. Sheila can’t or shouldn’t dance until her knee has recovered a bit more so we went up & just listened to see what he was like.  I wasn’t overly impressed, we didn’t miss much.

Then we played bridge with Larry & Judy until midnight.  We played 6 hands & then changed partners so everyone played with everyone. After 2 rounds we stopped for pecan pie Judy had bought at the bake sale today. At the end I was the winner with Sheila second, Larry third.  It started to lightly sprinkle rain late in the evening but it was barely hard enough to wet the ground.  Sheila sat where she could get up & move a bit as her knee gets achy if she sits in one position for too long.


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