Saturday, February 16, 2013

Fri Feb 15   67F/19C @ 9:45AM,   74F/23C @ noon

Sheila is off to water volleyball, I’m staying at the RV to do some chores—journal etc. before we go with another couple, Russell & Christine to the CSA, (Canadian Snowbirds Assoc.) annual meeting in Indio at Fantasy Springs Casino. They do an information meeting followed by entertainment which was great the last time we went a couple of years ago. At the meeting, I got a couple of points clarified, (the 183 days in the States over any continuous 12 month period is an immigration deal, while the “closer connection to Canada” form 8840 for the IRS is for 6 months in a any calendar year, CSA recommends that if you are regularly in the US for 4 months or more a year you file the form 8840 every year).  We really enjoyed the hour and a half of entertainment that followed the meeting.  It was two Canadian entertainers—a singer/guitarist from Cape Breton Is. and Jimmy Flynn, a comedian, also from Nova Scotia.  We drove home, had a little to eat and I went to Winco for a cpl items we’d run out of.   Sheila went to the free liqueur taste-testing at the Palms Cabana, just one of the Park’s activities they put on.  She said there were lots of people there & at least 16 different kinds of liqueur, none of which she’d ever heard of before.  One of them, “Tres Leches” reminded her of “Cuarente Tres” a milk liqueur we drank in Spain many, many years ago. I went to the shuffleboard night, (it’s every Fri), but the team I was on didn’t win anything.  Back to the RV for the night.  Sheila was already there working on an e-mail to Adeline. Watched CSI NY on the digital channel.  We can record shows on our VHS, but not the digital channels as I have said.  The difference in watching tape as opposed to live on a digital channel is quite pronounced, so much clearer & sharper on digital over even the live show on the non digital channel.

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