Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Tues Feb 19 Day 41    45F/7C @ 8AM,   50F/10C @ 11AM sprinkles,   47F/8C @ 1 PM  

We got up & made the Breakfast Club at DJ restaurant. We decided not to play water volleyball today.  On route home we checked on the Super 8 motel, (for Ross & Judy), & ran a couple errands.  They had the health fair on at GVP so we went over, got a glucose, (blood sugar) check, I was 1.11 – OK – a blood pressure test, - I was a bit high – and they did a grip test, I did great for my age, the aver. is 75 lbs. & I pulled 90 with my right & also with my left hand. They said, usually the dominant hand is about 10 lbs. more.  A lot of the booths were giving out pens so we have our year’s supply of ball point pens plus we got note pads & post-it notes.  They also provided hot dogs & potato chips for lunch and chocolates at most booths.  Not exactly healthy—but they were free!  We also picked up some assorted medical/health information.  Then Sheila went to the mall across the street & got her hair trimmed.   I came back to the RV until time to go out to the Horse Racing event this evening. How the racing works is, for your $1.00 entry, you get $130,000 playing money, plus betting slips and a line up sheet for each of 8 races. They also have the bio & race history on the horses.  The races are on DVD and you bet up to 3 horses per race, then they play the race on the DVD, and the 1st 2nd 3rd   winners come up on the screen with the odds multiplier so you can figure out your winnings.  Then they roll a multi-sided dice and the number that comes up gets scratched.  After 8 races I had $880,000, Sheila had $485,000 and the big winner in the room had $27,400,000.    The doors opened at 6:30 PM, races started at 7 PM and we finished up before 9 PM.  It’s pretty hectic once the races start.  We had some light rain during the afternoon & it stayed quite cool, cold almost, all day, then this evening about 9:30, it began to rain heavier.   Hopefully the sun will return tomorrow.  I checked my email & I had a statement from “Treo”, (the Port Mann toll collectors).  It said I had a credit of $28.50 and they had deducted $1.50 from my $30 credit, (that I got for joining early).  The charge was for Jan 10 when we went over Port Mann with the RV towing the car. The $1.50 charge seems lower than it should be, oh well, my gain, their loss. 



  1. Your description of the horse racing event makes sense now that Michael and I have been to the Hastings racetrack! =) It was fun picking the horses we thought would make us money. =P

    Your glucose level was 1.11? I wonder if they use different units of measure there... I'm supposed to be < 5.3 before a meal and < 7.8 an hour after the main part of my meal.

    1. I didn't ask and maybe it was 11.1 or 111. but they said it was fine so maybe the units are different on their machine.
