Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Sun Feb 10 very cloudy 52F/11C @ 10AM, it dropped to 50F/10C by 1PM.

Despite the cool to cold weather, volleyball in the pool carries on. We had about 2 dozen players out.  The pool is nice & warm, heated into the high 80’s or 90’s, (which means over 30C), so you only feel the cool air if you are standing up out of the water a lot, (it is over waist deep on me).  And then there are the hot tubs for after.  There are 3 of them each heated to a different temp from, too-hot-for-me, to, just-right-I-could-stay-in-all-day.  I usually stay just under half hour in the middle one.  Lunch in the RV was followed by assorted chores etc in the afternoon. I went to VONS, (Safeway with a different name), to get stuff Sheila needed for tomorrows Fun Club get together.  Sheila did more email stuff.  We made a stir fry for supper then were off to the “Reader Theatre” show tonight.  Laura & Murray Robatielle, (they used to run the “Play With Your Food” Theatre group but have left that to do “Fly by Night Productions”.  They do the Readers Theatre here at the park, where they read stories, with all the right voice inflections and facial expressions. They did several short stories by R.J. Silver, a Canadian humorist, who wrote last years “The Princess and the P.”. They did, “Spicing up my love life”, “The ten minute lovemaking program”, “Hormone Depletion” and more.  You can Google  R. J. Silver and his stuff is available, if anyone ever needed a short humorous and quite risqué story to read or present at a function, he’s got them. Then we came back to the RV so Sheila could watch Downton Abby.  We discovered, strangely, that we cannot get a signal for PBS on channel 50, (it is just blank & says “no signal”), but we can get the digital signal on 50-1, the digital version of PBS, crystal clear.  I’ve found that the major networks – CBS, ABC, NBC, & FOX which I get on regular channels, (2,4,7,11), have a digital channel if I put a  -1  after the number.  They come in clearer and in a proportional size, i.e. full screen.  Unfortunately, we cannot record any of the digital channels on our VHS recorder because the remote will not accept any channel with more than 2 digits, ie. it will not record any channel with a -1 or a number higher than 99.  Sheila was very disappointed to hear this because it means we cannot record Downton Abbey when we’re out.

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