Thursday, February 7, 2013

Wed Feb 6 overcast, cooler forecast for today – 10 AM 58F – 14 C, 1 PM 61F – 16 C

Dispite the temps being low, there is sun & no wind & I think that the dryer climate makes it feel warmer than temperatures seem to indicate. It is shorts & short sleeve shirt weather.

It was overcast when we got up, but cleared to a blue sky by 1 PM.  After Volleyball & hot tub, we had lunch in the RV. This afternoon Sheila’s doing  laundry & I’m doing some grocery shopping. (We seem to go out for groceries quite often, but that’s because RV fridges are not large and even the dry food storage is not huge).  I checked at the front desk & got the kilowatt hour charge, (.1352 cents per KWH). Then, using the formula off the internet, (multiply the KWH cost by 26.85 which is the equivalent of KW hours produced by a gallon of propane), I calculated that the cost of electricity needed to equal 1 gallon of propane is $3.63.  Currently propane is about $2.00 a gallon or less, so it is cheaper to run our hot water heater on propane than on electricity.  This evening we watched TV and finally got to see the last part of a 2 part Castle show we missed last year, the TNT network here had the 2 parts on back to back.  Sheila’s knee is feeling somewhat better, although she is still taking it easy and wearing her knee brace in the pool, (as well as only playing half the time--an hour instead of the 2 to 2½ hours).

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