Thursday, February 7, 2013

Mon.  Feb. 4 Blue sky, sunny

Up for breakfast, then game time in the pool. Sheila started Water V. Ball at 11:05 today.  The extra 15 min. didn’t seem to bother her knee, so she’s planning on starting even earlier tomorrow. I’ll have to set up my outside thermometer so I can annoy everyone at home with the nice temps down here.  We had lunch in the RV so I could go up for the Beginners Pickle Ball session but it was postponed to tomorrow for court maintenance.  I set up the thermometer & it is 75F (about 24C) at 1 PM in the shade under the awning.  While Sheila worked on the computer outside I went off to Hemet Trailer Supply to get a replacement light cover for one of my front clearance light at the top of the cab-over.  It disappeared sometime on route down.  Got it & came back home.  Visited with Larry & Judy for awhile and then it was suppertime followed by bridge at their place.

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